Will SMRs Launch a Nuclear Power Bull Market?

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted December 22, 2023

I said it before, and I’ll say it again…

Nuclear power is safe.  People, however, are not. 

And this, dear reader, is why there’s always been so much concern about expanding America’s fleet of nuclear power plants. 

Nuclear power bulls will often dismiss safety concerns, noting that in the history of nuclear power, there have only been a few very serious nuclear power crises:  Three-Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima.

But this doesn’t mean nuclear power isn’t burdened with other safety concerns.

I actually remember reading an Associated Press report about ten years ago that showed 75% of U.S. commercial nuclear power plant sites were leaking radioactive tritium. And according to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission records, 37 of those facilities were leaking into water supplies with concentrations that exceeded federal drinking water standards

To clarify, however, blaming nuclear power for this is like blaming a drunk driving accident on the car instead of the driver. 

The car is not at fault, the driver is.  And so is the case with nuclear power.

Just look at this recent Bloomberg investigation, which uncovered some documents that revealed hidden problems at a new nuclear power plant in Belarus. 

Turns out, a new 1,200 megawatt reactor (which thankfully was not yet connected to the grid), was seeping resin which could result in critical components seizing up.

“Control rods and fuel assemblies were at risk of being damaged or broken if the problem persisted when uranium atoms began fissioning. In the worst case, according to people familiar with the issue, accumulation of so-called ion-exchange resin, which regulates the purity of water flowing through plant channels and pipes, could impede reactor control, elevating the risk of a meltdown if something went wrong once it was online.” 

And even after the reactor was finally turned on, the president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko confirmed there were problems. Lithuanian intelligence suggested this was the result of delayed shipments, defective supplies, and a shortage of skilled labor.

Truth is, while you’re definitely going to see a massive increase in nuclear power generation across the globe in the coming years, many of these older, conventional nuclear power plants are not going to cut it.

They’re just too unreliable from a safety perspective, they take too long to build, and they’re extremely costly to build and operate. To be sure, not a single nuclear power plant in the world can be built, operated or maintained today without generous government subsidies.  

But because nuclear power is so integral to the reliability of the global energy economy, it simply can’t be relegated to the dustbin of history.  Which is why we’re now seeing new technological breakthroughs that are not only eliminating the safety concerns that come with traditional nuclear power, but are also making it so inexpensive that it can actually exist in the absence of government subsidies.

To be sure, there isn’t a single form of power generation today that can do that.  Not renewables, not natural gas, and definitely not oil.

So clearly, with new nuclear technologies that eliminate safety and cost burdens now coming to market, we have an opportunity to make a boatload of cash from the companies that are developing these new technologies.

One such technology is the small nuclear reactor, also known as SMRs.  SMRs boast a number of advantages over conventional nuclear reactors, including lower capital costs, greater scalability, less expensive to maintain, and far safer and more secure. 

Of course, when it comes to any new energy technology, we focus exclusively on that which will give us the most bang for our buck.  And when it comes to SMRs, it all boils down to the fuel that is required to run these things.

In the case of SMRs, it’s called Tri-Fuel 238, and not only is it exceptionally cheap to produce, it’s 40,835 times more powerful than natural gas, 67,389 times more potent than gasoline, and it’s completely emission-free.

So as you can imagine, we’re going to milk this thing for everything it’s worth, by profiting from this little-known tech company that’s cornering the Tri-Fuel 238 market.

You’ve probably never even heard of the company before, as it’s been in stealth mode most of the year.  But that’s all about to change as we head into 2024.

All the data prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that nuclear power is about to have a major renaissance moment next year, and it will be spearheaded by SMRs and the fuel that powers them.  

And that, dear reader, is why we’re loading up the boat today with shares of this Tri-Fuel 238 company.

It’s the best-in-breed, and to be frank, it’s just going to make us a ton of cash. 

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

Jeff Siegel Signature

Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is a contributing analyst for New World Assets. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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