Jacob Sanders was a beast.
He wrestled in high school, played football in college, and ultimately competed in a number of Iron Man competitions.
At 28, he became a personal trainer who worked with professional athletes and amateur fighters. His diet was comprised primarily of organic meats and vegetables. He considered processed foods and sugar the enemies of optimal health, and in all the years I knew him, I never once saw him drink alcohol, smoke a cigarette, or take any kind of performance-enhancement drug.
Sanders was the very definition of health and wellness. So when he died a few weeks ago at the age of 44, I was shocked.
Last month, Jacob Sanders was found unresponsive in his summer cabin near Lake Champlain. Cause of death: myocardial infarction. A heart attack.
The perfect model of health and wellness died of a heart attack.
I was blown away.
How could this man, who lived such a healthy lifestyle, have a heart attack?
A few days after his death, we discovered the reason.
A Lucrative Lesson in Genetics
Jacob Sanders was born with a genetic mutation that made it difficult for his body to regulate fats in his blood. But because he lived such a healthy lifestyle, he had no idea. He didn’t experience the typical warning signs of heart disease because of his dedication to fitness and nutrition.
In fact, the doctors told me that had Jacob not been so dedicated to his healthy lifestyle, he would’ve died years ago. Apparently, most folks with this genetic mutation — at least those who live sedentary lifestyles — don’t make it to 30.
Still, no matter how much one focuses on health and wellness, the death of Jacob Sanders speaks volumes about how our genetic makeup ultimately determines our quality of life and life expectancy.
And this, dear reader, is why I’m so incredibly bullish on the gene editing technology known as CRISPR.
Not only from a health and wellness point of view, but from an investment point of view, too.
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Investing in the End of Disease
If you’re a regular reader of these pages, CRISPR is not new to you, as I’ve been writing about this groundbreaking technology for a couple of years now.
Last week, I stumbled upon a new study that was published in the scientific journal Circulation that makes me even more bullish on how CRISPR can serve as an effective cure for heart disease.
And by the way, one in every four deaths in the U.S. is the result of heart disease. It’s actually the number one leading cause of death in the United States. So as you can imagine, any headway we can make in curing heart disease is a very big deal.
Now, in that study, researchers were able to demonstrate, for the first time, how CRISPR technology can be used to determine the risk of a genetic variant for heart disease.
You see, today, we can get our DNA sequenced in an effort to hone in on genetic mutations, but these sequences come back as variants. In other words, we get a bunch of information, but it’s hard to determine what all the information means.
As a result, doctors have to follow their patients for 10, 20, or 30 years to see if those diseases eventually manifest.
In the case of Jacob Sanders and the millions of other people in the world who also have these genetic mutations, even five years can be too long.
Now imagine, with the help of CRISPR technology, these folks could not only identify these genetic mutations right away but actually “edit” them out, thereby eliminating the threat of heart disease altogether.
This is huge!
There are millions of people all across the globe who suffer from heart disease, and today, we’re sitting upon the precipice of a new technology that can not only identify genetic mutations that result in heart disease but effectively treat these mutations before they kill us.
This isn’t science fiction, folks. This is very real and very profitable for the companies that have taken the lead on CRISPR technology.
Members of my Green Chip Stocks investment community have certainly benefited by getting in early on some of these companies, and many continue to benefit as new treatments are being discovered.
Four of these companies are highlighted in a white paper I wrote called “The End of Disease.” You can get access to this white paper here.
You can also check out a recent investment report I wrote on CRISPR, which explains in further detail how CRISPR works and how it could ultimately end every major disease that plagues the world today.
From heart disease and cancer to Alzheimer’s and diabetes, CRISPR is next-generation medicine at its finest.
To put this in perspective, investing in CRISPR companies today would be like investing in the folks who invented medical imaging in 1895 or organ transplant technology in 1954 or antiviral drugs in the 1960s.
Yeah, it’s that big.
And quite frankly, only a fool wouldn’t get some exposure to the CRISPR space today, while it’s still in its infancy.
There’s just too much money to be made in what is, quite frankly, the biggest medical breakthrough of the 21st century.
To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…
Jeff Siegel
Jeff is an editor of Energy and Capital as well as a contributing analyst for New World Assets.
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