Who Is Satoshi Nakamoto?

Written By Christian DeHaemer

Posted November 16, 2021

At the end of the legendary gladiator film Spartacus, the Romans capture the rebel and his army. The Roman general says he will crucify them all unless the man known as Spartacus identifies himself. So Kirk Douglas, in the title role, stands up and is about to speak when another man says, “I am Spartacus.” Then so does another man and another, until the whole army is standing in solidarity with their leader, shouting “I am Spartacus.”

These days, everyone is looking for another mystery man named Satoshi Nakamoto — the legendary inventor of Bitcoin and blockchain. One bitcoin is called a satoshi.

And like Spartacus, many people have claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto. The answer might be decided in a Florida lawsuit with the fate of 1 million bitcoins worth over $64 billion hanging in the balance.

From the beginning of 2009 when Bitcoin was first launched until 2010, Nakamoto was active on message boards and his website. After December 2010, his two known emails and website went dark. He disappeared. 

Dead Man’s Tales

Now the family of a dead man is suing the deceased’s former business partner over control of the partnership’s assets. The dead man’s name is David Kleiman, and his family claims that the two partners together were Satoshi Nakamoto, and the Kleimans are therefore due half the fortune.

A Florida trial will perhaps unravel the mystery. The other partner is Craig Wright, a 51-year-old Australian programmer living in London who some people claim is a flimflam artist and a conman.

Going to Have to Prove It

The Kleiman family claims it has proof that both parties created Bitcoin. The defense says that Wright developed it all by himself. We will wait on the edge of our seats for the judge to demand that the secret code to the Bitcoin wallet be produced and the million bitcoins released into the wild.

You see, on all Bitcoin transactions, there are two strings of numbers that control how the digital currency is moved. There is a private key and a public key. Only the true Satoshi Nakamoto will have the code.

Today, Bitcoin is trading at $64,045.61. Ethereum is trading at $4,594.59.  

All the best,

Christian DeHaemer Signature

Christian DeHaemer

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Christian is the founder of Bull and Bust Report and an editor at Energy and Capital. For more on Christian, see his editor’s page.

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