Waste to Energy

Written By Brianna Panzica

Posted August 4, 2011

Another garbage day.  Another day in which you lug bags of trash to the curb so that the local garbage men can pick them up and take them to some landfill.

What would really be ideal is if that garbage could be put to good use – say, toward energy creation.

Well, we’re not quite there yet. But one company has applied this to medical waste and come out on top.

The company is called Curtis Bay Energy, and it operates a unique waste-to-energy technology that utilizes medical waste for energy creation.

Curtis Bay EnergyThe company’s process serves two purposes: on the one hand, it provides a safe and efficient destruction of medical waste, and on the other, it makes this process even more efficient by harnessing energy from the byproducts.

The technology employs a filtration system that reduces emissions of mercury and dioxin, two byproducts of medical waste, to levels much lower than those required by law.

As medical waste contains hazardous toxins and often carries diseases, law requires very specific disposal methods including incineration.

Curtis Bay Energy uses the incineration process and harnesses the superheated steam created as a byproduct. This steam is converted to renewable energy, which Curtis uses at its own facility and sells to facilities in the area.

Not only does it save the necessity of dirtier forms of energy creation and consumption, but it also has the additional purpose of safely destroying medical waste.

The company uses W.L. Gore’s Remedia technology, a technology that is used to destroy dioxins.

According to the company’s website, dioxins are one of the most dangerous emissions the facility handles.

They also use a Powder Activated Carbon Injection System that functions to reduce mercury emissions by up to 90%.

The environmental friendliness of the process is something the company prides itself on, as it is one of the only facilities of its kind that has such low emission levels from medical waste destruction.

They also have continuous monitoring of the emission levels, tracking emissions at various points during the waste-to-energy process.

It’s a company like no other.  Its dedication to safely reducing medical waste is just as prominent as its valuation of the environment in its process of energy creation.

Curtis Bay Energy is revolutionizing the waste-to-energy process of the future.

That’s all for now,


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