The Smart Motor Revolution

Written By Luke Burgess

Posted October 26, 2018

Many people fantasize about hitting a lottery jackpot. And yeah, sure, I’d love to win a lottery. Anyone would.

But call me crazy — I think it’s more exciting to earn money through fantastic investments rather than just getting extremely lucky.

While countless people daydream of winning the Mega Millions, I fantasize about being able to go back in time and invest in groundbreaking technologies.

Imagine the excitement of being able to take part in the development of the railroads in the early 1800s.

Or investing in the light bulb in the 1870s.

Or not even that far back. Picture yourself being one of the early investors in 20th century inventions like the transistor or the semiconductor.

Each of these technological revolutions made early investors rich beyond their wildest dreams. So maybe my fantasy and winning the lottery are six and half a dozen. But I find it more exciting to invest.

In other words, if winning the lottery is just looking at the results of a football game on SportsCenter, making money through investing in revolutionary technologies is watching the excitement of the whole match. At least it is to me.

So when small-cap stock guru Alex Koyfman said he wanted to tell me about a “reinvention one of the most important technological devices known to modern man,” my interests were piqued.

It wasn’t a new kind of smartphone or any other kind of electronic gadget that would eventually just turn into a fad.

Instead, Alex wanted to tell me about a new kind of electric motor.

I have to admit, it sounded a bit dull at first. Who is going to get excited over electric motors? They’ve been around for two centuries.

But after Alex explained exactly how this device is going to change the face of the electric motor as we know it, I knew he was onto something huge.

It makes every electric motor and electric generator in the world obsolete.

Believe it or not, half of all the energy produced globally is consumed by electric motors. Half!

That’s over $3 trillion worth of electricity, or 5% of the total global economy.

That’s not really surprising considering electric motors are everywhere. They’re in fans, pumps, vacuum cleaners, elevators, refrigerators… too many things to list. They make everything work.

But after 200 years of development, electric motors haven’t changed that much.

They’ve been made bigger. And they’ve been made of different materials. They’ve been standardized and perfected with modern manufacturing processes.

But in all those years, nobody’s made any real changes to the basic motor.

Alex says, “That means even the high-tech motors that Elon Musk puts into every Tesla vehicle to hit the road are nothing more than antiques dressed up with modern finishes.”

But with this new device, that’s about to change.

What’s the big deal?

Well, it’s all about maximizing efficiency.

You see, existing electric motors achieve peak efficiency at a single operating speed.

Anywhere above or below that specific speed, and efficiency suffers.

This results in great energy losses across all applications.

But a brand-new company is finally solving this problem: It’s built a gearing system using complex, highly sophisticated algorithms to optimize power electronics and efficiency at all speeds.

All speeds!

It’s essentially a new kind of “smart motor.” And this revolution is going to… well, I think Alex is exactly right: it’s going to reinvent one of the most important technological devices known to man.

Alex says, “Comparing this new electric motor system with everything on the market today is like comparing Lance Armstrong’s 22-speed bike to a tricycle from Walmart.”

The innovator of this device, which now controls patents to the first true evolution of the electric motor, is a true-to-life technology startup with a total market capitalization of less than $20 million.

The motors this company is building today have efficiency ratings that beat everything out there. And that means not only will the new generation use less energy, but it’ll also be smaller, cost less to maintain, and last longer.

Better yet, it’s also an opportunity to take part in a real-life technological revolution that Wall Street hasn’t even considered yet.

Every electric motor in the world retrofitted with this device will see huge gains in power generation. And that will amount to tens of billions of dollars added to company’s bottom line without having to build a single new unit.

That alone will be more than enough of an incentive for major corporations like Tesla, Mercedes, BMW, General Electric, Honeywell, and a host of other multibillion-dollar giants to switch over to this new system.

In the interest of time, I’ve really only begun to scratch the surface of the details of this new system. There’s really a lot to understand and know about this new gearing system.

That’s why I’ve asked Alex to put everything about this new system and the company behind it into a report, which he did, and he published it earlier this week.

Please take some time to read this report all the way through. As an energy investor, you’re really going to want to take part in this.

Until next time,
Luke Burgess Signature
Luke Burgess

As an editor at Energy and Capital, Luke’s analysis and market research reach hundreds of thousands of investors every day. Luke is also a contributing editor of Angel Publishing’s Bull and Bust Report newsletter. There, he helps investors in leveraging the future supply-demand imbalance that he believes could be key to a cyclical upswing in the hard asset markets. For more on Luke, go to his editor’s page.

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