The Secret Behind 6 Blue-Collar Millionaires

Written By Charles Mizrahi

Posted November 8, 2016

You won’t find these millionaires riding in luxury sedans to the local country club or running up tabs at the finest restaurants in town.

They don’t live in major financial centers, such as Wall Street, London, or Hong Kong.

Instead, they came from small, rural towns such as Brattleboro, Vermont… Lake Forest, Illinois… and Buffalo, New York.

And you would be hard-pressed to find them at all!

Yet what you can learn from these regular people will let you finally take control of your family’s financial security…

Over the years, these blue-collar millionaires amassed net worths in the millions of dollars by investing in the stock market — many of them starting with little to no money.

They also didn’t invest in risky options, penny stocks, currencies, or real estate.

In fact, the only reason their friends and family found out about their enormous wealth was because of the incredible charitable donations they made to churches, hospitals, libraries, and universities totaling in the tens of millions of dollars.

And over the past several months, I’ve been studying how these blue-collar millionaires made their fortunes.

While doing that research, I discovered that these millionaires had several jaw-dropping similarities:

  • They made their fortune investing in common stocks
  • They were avid researchers
  • They didn’t use brokers or Wall Street
  • They had a plan and stuck with it
  • They didn’t start with a lot of money
  • They used a simple approach

These millionaires discovered early on that Wall Street is great at selling stuff and not that great at giving out investment advice.

They quickly figured out that Wall Street makes its money by taking fees on other people’s money.

Here’s how that racket works…

Wall Street’s Sales Game

A well-connected college grad with an MBA from an Ivy League school works for a major investment house for a few years. There, they make a lot of contacts and find out how Wall Street really works.

After a few years, they leave their job, set up an office, put out a shingle, and start a limited partnership.

They make a lot of fancy presentations on how they speak to management, build spreadsheets that model earnings, and have insight into a specific industry.

Then they go out and spend a large percentage of their time raising assets.

Makes sense, right? After all, the more assets they raise, the more money they make.

Assume they raise $100 million in assets, which in today’s world is not a lot of money to start with. Well, you can tack on a 2% management fee right off the bat, seeing $2 million in fees drop to their bottom line — without even making a single trade!

Of course, they also split any profits that are made on the $100 million of clients’ money… usually taking 20% of the profits.

At the end of the year, if they make just a 5% return, they would’ve earned a $2 million management fee AND a $1 million split of the profits!

How to Beat the Rigged System

Look, all they have to do is babysit the clients’ money, offer some great analysis as to why their investments are not going their way, and keep charging fees.

It’s that simple.

However, now that you have some idea as to how Wall Street really makes money, I want to show you how ordinary investors like you can beat that rigged game.

(Notice I didn’t mention anything about stock picking, simply because it’s not that important to their bottom line.)

Why try and generate outstanding returns when the real goal of a fund manager is to just not lose large amounts of money?

At the end of the day, they will earn million-dollar paydays each and every year.

Now, there’s a good reason why I have such insight into how this game is played: I was on Wall Street for 30 years and saw all of this happening all around me!

Unlike the average investor, the small group of blue-collar millionaires that I mentioned before didn’t waste their time thinking that Wall Street was going to pave them a road to riches.

On the contrary… they knew that in order to build a net worth in the millions, they had to do it on their own.

And the amazing thing about these blue-collar millionaires is that they didn’t spend all day glued to a computer screen, watching every wiggle and jiggle of the stock market.

They never quit their day jobs, and they continued to work as janitors, parking lot attendants, nurses, and secretaries.

And I want you to see exactly why what worked for them can work for you. That’s what drove me to put all the research and insight I’ve collected into one special investment report.

Now, as a member of Energy and Capital, I want you to have full access to my report right now — without paying a penny!

All you have to do is simply click here to take the first step.

All my best,

Charles Mizrahi signature

Charles Mizrahi

Twitter: @IWPeditor

Charles cut his chops on the trading floor of the New York Futures Exchange before moving on to become a wildly successful money manager on Wall Street.

And with more than 35 years of recommending stocks under his belt, Charles has knocked the cover off the ball, compiling an amazing record of success and posting gain after gain for his loyal readers. He is the editor of Park Avenue Investment Club and the Insider Alert newsletters.

Charles is also the author of the highly acclaimed book, Getting Started in Value Investing.

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