Happy New Year!
Here we are on the first day of 2024, and the first day to make good on your New Year’s resolutions.
I certainly hope to make good on mine. And there are many.
This year, I want to spend more time with my family by no longer working on Sundays.
While I’m very fortunate to have a job I absolutely love, I sometimes get so caught up in it, I don’t take enough time off to enjoy family outings and Sunday dinners. Like the kind my parents used to have.
So this year, the only “work” I plan to do on Sunday is at the gym. After that, I’m totally focusing on my family. It’s important.
I also want to carve out some time to get back into Muay Thai.
I spent a few weeks in Thailand last year, training at a Muay Thai camp. It was humbling, exhilarating, and challenging, both physically and mentally.
And I do like a good challenge.
Something that requires me to get out of my comfort zone. Something that forces me to come face to face with a particular fear or shortcoming, and then overcome it.
Truth is, I need challenges to overcome in my life. Because without challenges, one becomes complacent. And there is no honor or success in complacency.
To be honest, I don’t know a single successful person who is complacent. Quite the opposite, actually.
The most successful people I know are motivated, self-assured, and are always taking on challenges that ultimately help them become wealthier, happier and far more confident than your average Joe.
To be sure, sometimes those challenges can be difficult. In fact, I would even go as far to say that if a challenge isn’t difficult to overcome, then it’s really not a legitimate challenge.
You know, there’s an old African proverb that I used to have on my screen saver which served as a bit of motivation for me: smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.
I love that, and I often think about that proverb in my daily life. Particularly when things may not be going my way.
Instead of running from challenges, I know that in order to be successful, I have to not only approach those challenges with confidence and without any sense of defeatism, but also eagerly seek out new challenges that will ultimately make me stronger, happier, healthier, and yes, even wealthier.
I want all of these things for you, too.
Which is why I’d like you to consider how you can challenge yourself, too, this year.
Challenge yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. Challenge yourself in any way you can that will allow you to live life to the fullest.
Challenge yourself to find new ways to increase your wealth.
Challenge yourself by learning a new language or skill.
Challenge yourself by embracing a few risks instead of running from them.
You know what they say …
Risk equals reward. And this is true in life, love, and of course money.
And ultimately, just challenge yourself to be a better version of yourself.
Few things are more satisfying than coming face to face with a great challenge, overcoming it, and then moving onto an even greater challenge. It’s one of the great joys of really living life to the fullest..
If you’re not constantly challenging yourself, then you’re not really making the most out of life. Which is, without a doubt, a precious gift.
To paraphrase the great Neil Armostrong, every human has a finite number of heartbeats. Don’t waste a single one.
I wish for you and your family, a happy and prosperous new year. To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth… Jeff Siegel
@JeffSiegel on Twitter
Jeff is a contributing analyst for New World Assets. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.