Socially Responsible Investing with Pot Stocks

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted April 18, 2019

It was a huge tragedy.

Watching the video of flames and smoke pouring out of Notre Dame, people from all across the world responded with sadness and grief.

World leaders sent their condolences, and earlier this week, we learned that France’s three wealthiest families have donated $700 million to the rebuilding efforts that will soon be underway.

While I won’t deny that I was saddened to see such a beautiful and historic monument go up in flames, I can’t help but wonder why we seem to care more about old churches than we do about people.

While more than a billion dollars will be raised to rebuild Notre Dame, there are people all over the world who don’t have access to clean drinking water, basic health care, and safe and affordable housing. In those instances, a billion bucks could go a long way.

Don’t get me wrong.

More people have access to all these things today than they did just 50 years ago. And you can thank the basic fundamentals of free market capitalism for that.

But given the option, I would be far more willing to invest in things like clean water, affordable housing, and basic health care for those who don’t have it, as such an investment would deliver legitimate profits while making the world a better place.

More than a billion dollars in donations to rebuild Notre Dame?

Not so much.

Notre Dame Can’t Make You Rich, but I Can

Before you write me off as some insensitive ogre who doesn’t care about history, understand that I don’t write these words to offend anyone.

Instead, I write these words to illustrate the underlying foundation of my investment focus that has delivered more than a decade’s worth of double-, triple-, and even quadruple-digit gains.

The basic premise is quite simple: To profit from industries and companies that are making the world a better place.

This is actually why I’ve been so bullish on the cannabis space for the past five years.

Truth is, there are few investments more honorable than those that help bolster the power of the legal cannabis market, which is now the main catalyst for ending the war on drugs and helping sick people get their medicine without fear of persecution or government-sanctioned violence.

The fact that to this day there are still veterans who can’t get legal access to cannabis, which can effectively help treat PTSD symptoms, is absolutely despicable.

So yes, I take great pride in investing in the companies that are ultimately forcing the government to rescind the prohibition of cannabis.

And I also take great profits.

Just look at some of these gains:

  • Aphria, Inc. (TSX: APHA) — 1,174%
  • MariMed (OTC: MRMD) — 411.9%
  • OrganiGram Holdings (TSX-V: OGI) — 1,185%
  • HEXO Corp. (TSX: HEXO) — 336.4%
  • Canopy Growth Corporation (TSX: WEED) — 3,015%

And that’s just a small sampling.

The truth is, we’ve had gains that were big enough to turn $50K investments into more than a million dollars. And yes, many of the members of my Green Chip Stocks investment community have become ridiculously rich over the past few years by doing little more than following my advice.

But today, I don’t want to focus on the huge profits we’ve already made. Instead, I’m just going to show you how we did it and how you can do it, too.

In fact, I’m even going to give you the exact date you can expect to land one of the biggest gains of your life.

That date is June 14, 2019.

On that date, something huge is going to happen that will send a select group of pot stocks into the stratosphere.

But in order to get in on this action, you need to own those stocks before that date.

If you do, you’ll be in line for a massive payday.

But don’t take my word for it. Just look at the evidence for yourself in this urgent investor alert I just posted.

In it, you’ll find everything you need to know in order to get in on my next major pot stock score.

The bottom line is that I’ve been helping investors like you make an absolute fortune in the legal cannabis space. I’ve been doing it for more than five years now, and we’re about to do it again.

So click here now, and get yourself some of this action, too.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

Jeff Siegel Signature

Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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