Check out this recent Bloomberg headline…
While it’s true that family offices and high-net-worth individuals are pouring millions into the psychedelics space, I can assure you that this is NOT an “edgy” investment.
Unless you think biotech stocks and pharma stocks are edgy.
Because really, that’s what psychedelics stocks are.
Truth is, there isn’t a single legitimate psychedelics stock out there that’s doing anything more than preparing for or currently undergoing FDA clinical trials.
Although it’s easy for folks to think about Woodstock, hippies, and counterculture movements when discussing psychedelics, the companies in this space are creating medicine — not recreational drugs.
You’ve heard me talk about this before.
The psychedelics stocks we’re currently in — and profiting from — are all creating the next generation of mental health drugs and therapies, not party drugs.
Truth is, there is significant anecdotal evidence that suggests psychedelic substances such as LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, and DMT can successfully treat everything from depression and anxiety to PTSD and addiction.
And that’s where the money is.
Just the addiction treatment industry alone is valued at about $42 billion. And that’s just the U.S.
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And the best-in-breed psychedelics stocks that I’m currently invested in are all actively developing new mental health therapies in the same way biotech and pharma companies have been doing it for decades: locking in the IP, undergoing clinical trials, and ultimately selling it to Big Pharma for mountains of cash.
It’s actually all very basic.
Not edgy at all, and even somewhat boring unless you enjoy monitoring FDA clinical trial data.
But what isn’t boring is the profits.
I started covering this space nearly two years ago.
Since that time, three of the psychedelics stocks I’ve recommended have more than doubled, with one actually delivering a 1,200% gain inside nine months.
Nothing boring about that at all!
Bottom line: There’s so much money to be made in the psychedelics space right now, you’d be an absolute fool not to get some of this action for yourself.
That’s why I wrote this short report on the psychedelics market, my favorite companies operating in the space, and, of course, how much money you can make from just one of these stocks.
It’s worth noting that 1,200% isn’t even scratching the surface.
As we head into the new year, I strongly urge you to start it off right by getting some exposure to the psychedelics market. Because mark my words: 2021 is going to make a lot of psychedelics investors very, very rich.
You might as well be one of them.
To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth… Jeff Siegel Jeff is an editor of Energy and Capital as well as a contributing analyst for New World Assets. Want to hear more from Jeff? Sign up to receive emails directly from him ranging from market commentaries to opportunities that he has his eye on.