Picks and Shovels of Modern Mining

Written By Meg Dailey

Posted September 2, 2017

Cryptocurrencies are not your average investments.

Stocks can be priced based on the value of the company. Even commodities follow a (sometimes) logical balance of supply and demand.

But cryptocurrencies? They’ve got none of that.

As such, cryptocurrencies don’t come with any sort of inherent value.

In fact, at the core, they don’t even really exist. They’re just numbers, no more valuable than the coded period at the end of this sentence.

So why, you might ask, are these strings of numbers and algorithms gaining so much momentum and making early investors some of the biggest gains they’ve ever seen?

It’s all about perspective…

Turning Heads

Take, for instance, the first and most prominent digital currency on the market: Bitcoin.

Bitcoin was proposed by a person known as Satoshi Nakamoto, a pseudonym for the creator who seemingly fell off the grid some years ago.

Nakamoto claimed it was time to create a decentralized currency that would hold value without the threat of being manipulated by governments, financial institutions, or global politics.

A nationless currency that could be used just like any other…

That wouldn’t become devalued because of political skirmishes…

And thus, Bitcoin was born.

When it was originally created, the coin was nothing more than a speculative creation. Until more businesses began adopting it, it was hardly a blip on the investment radar.

Now… well, just look at it:

Coindesk Bitcoin 2017 Sept

You’d be hard-pressed to find another single investment that’s jumped that much in just five years!

Especially one with no inherent value, trading almost entirely randomly on any number of digital currency exchanges based all over the world.

It’s a doozy of a thing to understand.

Luckily, you don’t have to get the math to make money here.

You just have to understand that Bitcoin is entirely independent of the usual metrics that dictate stocks and commodities.

And because of that, your opportunity here is a unique one…

You Can’t Mine Bitcoin

If you think you’re going to make your millions by buying one of those little machines and cranking out your own Bitcoin by the bunch, I’ve also got a bridge you might be interested in.

In other words: It’s too late to start mining Bitcoin now.

One major benefit many saw in this cryptocurrency early on is that the number of bitcoins in existence has a cap. Once we hit 21 million “coins” in circulation, that’s it.

And as we creep closer to that number, it gets harder and harder to mine for more.

So hard that one personal mining machine just won’t cut it anymore.

In fact, as one of my colleagues pointed out just this morning, mining a single Bitcoin these days is hardly worth the cost of the energy it takes to get it done!

Yes, even if that one Bitcoin is worth more than $4,800.

The only people able to mine Bitcoin now are those with either extremely powerful supercomputers or massive warehouses full of mining machines running 24/7.

It takes time…

It takes energy…

It takes a ridiculously large investment just to get started…

Yet mining is at the core of the opportunity you’re facing today.

Modern Mining Stocks

The mass adoption that put Bitcoin on the map in the first place is growing fast. And, as new coins come on the market, the competition will continue to grow, too.

How high the coin will go is still up for speculation. And if mining’s off the table…

It may be time to take a step back into some more traditional investments.

If you were investing in oil, you’d look at producers and frac sand suppliers. For lithium, it would be miners and battery producers.

And for Bitcoin, we look at the companies making bank on those massive machine warehouses.

I don’t mean the groups that own the machines — they’re guarding their digital gold like dragons.

I mean the companies that provide the most critical components of those machines, that keep the crypto-mining market in business.

In other words, the “picks and shovels” of Bitcoin mining.

Luke Burgess has managed to track down one company that may already have a stranglehold on the digital currency mining market. The process simply doesn’t work without the small component it produces.

Read his report right here to find out how you can start making your own crypto-profits without owning a single coin.

Until next time,

Megan Dailey Signature

Megan Dailey

follow basic@energyandcapita

Megan Dailey is a fresh young face on the investment scene. In her years as a research analyst with Angel Publishing, she’s learned that adapting fast to new investment situations is critically important to successfully navigating today’s volatile market. Her research has helped individual investors identify fast-growing companies in the energy industry that pay actionable investors back in spades. In an age of boundless information, her research is razor-focused on the most lucrative opportunities in energy and beyond. Megan’s research can be found in her weekly editorials on the Energy and Capital site. She also manages the Energy and Capital social media, and is always ready to answer your questions about energy investments via Facebook or Twitter!

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