Picking Your Biggest Winner in the AI Arms Race

Written By Keith Kohl

Posted March 20, 2025

Never underestimate the power of fate. 

Too often, one’s fate is overlooked, unrecognized by the masses until it’s far too late to turn into opportunity. And for all the prognostications and prophesies within the U.S. energy sector, nothing has gone more unnoticed than the rise and utter dominance of natural gas in our power dynamic. 

It’s true.

Oh, the signs were there, dear reader, believe me on that one. Hop in a DeLorean and go back 45 years into America’s oil and gas heartland and you’d find a petroleum engineer and geologist by the name of George Mitchell tinkering in the Barnett Shale outside of Fort Worth Texas. 

In fact, anyone paying close attention to the work being done by Mitchell Energy and Development company at the time would’ve had a glimpse into our energy future. 

You see, George Mitchell and his team were about to change the energy landscape in the United States forever by bringing together hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling techniques on the tight rocks in the Barnett. 

Neither were anything new, mind you; companies have been using hydraulic fracturing technology on oil wells since the 1940s. Yet it was Mitchell’s success in the Barnett that unlocked the shale boom that spread throughout our vast tight oil and gas formations in the lower 48 states. 

Today, George Mitchell is considered the father of the shale gas revolution, and it’s his legacy that will enable our technology to power forward in the coming decade. 

Have you recognized that opportunity yet? 

Well, let me show you…

If you want a sobering picture of just how far technology has come since the turn of the century, just consider that back in 2000, the monthly data traffic on the internet was estimated to be as high as 35,000 terabytes, or up to 420,000 terabytes a year. 

Right now data centers are using more than 400 million terabytes — per day! 

That comes out to nearly 147 zettabytes of data annually. For the record, you’d need to tack on twenty-one zeroes to equal one zettabyte:


It’s a lot, trust me… but just wait till we soon start talking about yottabytes!

Even without looking at the numbers behind the power demand projections for future data centers, you can probably guess that the amount of electricity we’re going to need in this AI arms race is astronomical. 

Where we’ll look to power those data centers should be clear to anyone looking close, enough. 

Truth is, Big Tech has already given us the answer, no guesswork necessary. As fate would have it, we need only look at our best and most secure sources of the kind of baseload power that Big Tech’s data center craves. 

When it comes to strong baseload power, there’s no bigger prospect — or cleaner source — than nuclear power

The largest tech companies on the planet have already started pouring billions of investment dollars into securing nuclear energy to power their future demand. Between next-gen nuclear technology through small modular reactors and revitalizing more traditional nuclear reactors such as Three Mile Island, companies like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are steering us toward a nuclear-powered future. 

However, what they need right now is the bridge fuel that can carry us there.

That’s where George Mitchell’s legacy comes into play, for if there’s one thing that the shale gas revolution has led to, it’s an absurd amount of natural gas supply. 

America’s utility companies understand this all too well, which is why they’ve built up our gas-fired electrical generation since 2000:

nat gas generation eia

And here’s the really good news for us: We don’t need to pick and choose who the winners will be during this transition. 

Why? Well, that part is easy. 

We get the chance to profit from both. I recommend you take just a few minutes out of your day and let me show you exactly what I mean. 

Of course, I can only open the door. The next step is always up to you.

Until next time,

Keith Kohl Signature

Keith Kohl

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A true insider in the technology and energy markets, Keith’s research has helped everyday investors capitalize from the rapid adoption of new technology trends and energy transitions. Keith connects with hundreds of thousands of readers as the Managing Editor of Energy & Capital, as well as the investment director of Angel Publishing's Energy Investor and Technology and Opportunity.

For nearly two decades, Keith has been providing in-depth coverage of the hottest investment trends before they go mainstream — from the shale oil and gas boom in the United States to the red-hot EV revolution currently underway. Keith and his readers have banked hundreds of winning trades on the 5G rollout and on key advancements in robotics and AI technology.

Keith’s keen trading acumen and investment research also extend all the way into the complex biotech sector, where he and his readers take advantage of the newest and most groundbreaking medical therapies being developed by nearly 1,000 biotech companies. His network includes hundreds of experts, from M.D.s and Ph.D.s to lab scientists grinding out the latest medical technology and treatments. You can join his vast investment community and target the most profitable biotech stocks in Keith’s Topline Trader advisory newsletter.

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