OPEC's Promised Land

Written By Brianna Panzica

Posted October 6, 2012

Picture this…

A former small-town boy experiences the collapse of his farming community.

He grows up to work as a salesman for a major oil drilling company, believing he is doing his community a service in offering residents a fat paycheck in return for land they would most likely lose anyway.

All is well…

Until a townsman stands up against him, revealing lies and corruption in the industry and calling on the salesman to measure his values.

It’s a stock Hollywood plot: Boy loses values, gets sucked up in big industry… major plot point causes boy to reassess beliefs… Boy regains values and becomes a hero (or at least, that’s how we can assume it will turn out).

In fact, this is the plot of Promised Land, an upcoming film that’s already being called Oscar-worthy.

The film centers around the debate of fracking, one that’s ongoing in states like New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. It written by and stars Matt Damon (Good Will Hunting, The Bourne Trilogy) and John Krasinski (Jim Halpert from The Office).

It seems, from the trailer, to be more about a conflict of beliefs, making Matt Damon, the salesman, not so much a villain as a man whose beliefs are conflicted by and change with life experience.

If you were to pick out the real antagonist in the film, it would surely be fracking.

This shouldn’t come as a huge surprise…

Damon and Krasinski have both spoken out against fracking; Promised Land goes on to further beliefs they both strongly hold.

And while the film itself will probably follow the stock plot, there’s a twist to the real-life side of things — and get ready, because it will make any M. Night Shyamalan film look boring…

The film was produced by Focus Features, Participant Media, and Image Nation Abu Dhabi.

Image Nation Abu Dhabi is a subsidiary of Abu Dhabi Media. Abu Dhabi Media is entirely owned by the government of Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi is the capital of OPEC member the United Arab Emirates. The UAE is a major world oil producer.

Last year the UAE produced roughly 2.7 million barrels of crude per day, exporting 2.6 million bpd of its total oil.

Abu Dhabi probably isn’t all that concerned about the environmental effects of fracking in the United States. Their hand in it isn’t anti-drilling sentiment; it’s anti-U.S. production.

Think about it…

OPEC is responsible for a majority of the world’s oil exports. If the world’s largest oil importer became capable of producing its own oil and gas — and cutting back imports — OPEC members will feel the pain.

This film is made to make the average American think twice about fracking.

It presents fracking as the bad guy… and in doing so, portrays domestic production as a villain.

Back to reality: Fracking is breaking records and domestic oil and natural gas production is thriving.

Fracking was partially responsible for the 24 trillion cubic feet of natural gas produced domestically last year, with 70 billion cubic feet coming from North Dakota, home of the Bakken Shale.

The Bakken and the Eagle Ford Shale deposits both hit record highs in crude production in July.

And Bakken stocks like these are ready to break out.

In fact, you can still get in on these three for less than $10 a share.

OPEC has infiltrated Hollywood. Don’t get sucked into their latest scheme.

Good Investing,

Brianna Panzica
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