linkfest 5.13.2020

Keith Kohl

Written By Keith Kohl

Posted May 12, 2020

For your weekly reading, we bring you the week’s most popular stories from Energy and Capital and our sister site, Wealth Daily… 

Investing in the Return of U.S. Manufacturing
Was COVID-19 spawned in a wet market or in a biotech lab in Wuhan? Was it released into the world intentionally or was it an accident? Energy and Captial editor Jeff Siegel discusses the possible origins of COVID-19…

Meat Is the New Gold
Empty shelves at the grocery store aren’t even close to your biggest concern about the U.S. meatpacking industry’s closures. Wealth Daily editor Jason Williams takes a look at some incoming problems…

South Korea’s “Digital New Deal” Prioritizes AI and 5G
Last month, Moon Jae-in took South Korea’s presidential election in a landslide victory. It one of the first national elections, since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak. Jae-in wasted no time and announced a Digital New Deal…

These Are Worrying Times
The COVID-19 virus has everyone running scared. And while I hate to be crass when it comes to something so urgent… I know your FINANCIAL health is also on your mind during a crisis like this. Unfortunately, the fear of contagion has invaded Wall Street, too. The market’s in freefall. And based on the latest signs, it could get WORSE before it gets better. Making a few smart moves right now can really add a “protective buffer” to your portfolio. Find just how easy it will be to come out on top.

A New California Law and COVID-19 Hit Ridesharing Stocks
California and its big cities are suing Uber and Lyft, claiming that, under a new California law, they’ve illegally misclassified their workers as contractors. Along with COVID-19, the new legal challenge could mean deep trouble for ridesharing stocks…

This Is “the Most Important Technology Since the Internet.”
I recently traveled to secret meeting rooms in the heart of American finance to get the inside scoop on a ground-breaking new technology that’s transforming the entire world around us. To get the full story, watch this stunning new presentation… 

Elon Musk Threatens to Leave California
Tesla’s Fremont factory has been shut down since March 23, as part of social distancing rules aimed at containing COVID-19. In a federal district court filing, Tesla alleged that Alameda County’s shutdown order violates the Fourteenth Amendment and there was “no rational basis” for the factory closure in the first place…

My Friend Jeff
Jeff was a Virginia Beach runaway, who showed up in Richmond when he was 15. He was taken in (and probably saved) and nicknamed “Junior” by GWAR founder Dave Brockie. Wealth Daily editor Briton Ryle reflects on life and a friend…

With Chaos Comes Opportunity…
An opportunity for you to rake in thousands in easy profits over the next few months. Because while most stocks have been getting hammered… The outbreak has sent one very special market sector through the roof: biotech.

Until next time,

Keith Kohl Signature

Keith Kohl

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A true insider in the technology and energy markets, Keith’s research has helped everyday investors capitalize from the rapid adoption of new technology trends and energy transitions. Keith connects with hundreds of thousands of readers as the Managing Editor of Energy & Capital, as well as the investment director of Angel Publishing’s Energy Investor and Technology and Opportunity.

For nearly two decades, Keith has been providing in-depth coverage of the hottest investment trends before they go mainstream — from the shale oil and gas boom in the United States to the red-hot EV revolution currently underway. Keith and his readers have banked hundreds of winning trades on the 5G rollout and on key advancements in robotics and AI technology.

Keith’s keen trading acumen and investment research also extend all the way into the complex biotech sector, where he and his readers take advantage of the newest and most groundbreaking medical therapies being developed by nearly 1,000 biotech companies. His network includes hundreds of experts, from M.D.s and Ph.D.s to lab scientists grinding out the latest medical technology and treatments. You can join his vast investment community and target the most profitable biotech stocks in Keith’s Topline Trader advisory newsletter.

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3 Stocks for Lithium's 4,000% Rise

The single most important geological discovery of our generation has just taken place. And it could be responsible for a MASSIVE rise in lithium prices. The best part? A Tiny mining firm is at the forefront of mining the world's largest lithium deposit... And it's not overseas in some politically unstable nation... Every single ounce of this record-breaking deposit is right here in America. Our latest report highlights this story and offers you access to our FREE Report that details 3 lithium stocks to buy now.

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