It was Stupid to Underestimate Jaguar Health (NASDAQ: JAGX)

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted January 5, 2021

I knew Jaguar Health (NASDAQ: JAGX) was a bargain when it was trading below $1.00.

Not just because the stock is worth at least $1.00, but because in order to maintain compliance with the NASDAQ, the stock had to trade back up over $1.00, and stay there for at least 15 days.

So I recommended it to my readers as a no-brainer trade after the company locked in a deal that would help put the stock get back over a buck.  And when the stock crossed $1.00, I sold it, feeling pretty good about locking in a quick 40% gain in less than 2 weeks.

Then the stock kept roaring higher, and higher.

This morning, the stock hit $2.99 before selling off.

In my attempt to avoid risking some quick money, I ended up losing out on a 200%+ gain.

My reaction …


I suppose I shouldn’t cry over missed gains, but damn that one hurt. 

I should’ve known better, too, as Jaguar Health is actually a solid company,  It would’ve made more sense to go long on this one.

Oh well.  I’ll just take my 40% gain and my humility and move on. 🙂


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