How I Met an Unvaccinated Couple From New York City

Brian Hicks

Written By Brian Hicks

Posted August 19, 2021

A couple nights ago, the wife and I went to dinner in Ocean City, Maryland. We typically don’t venture down there from our beach house in Bethany, but we were having dinner at my cousin’s restaurant with my brother and his wife.

The restaurant is on the bay, which leads out to the Atlantic Ocean.

Two weeks prior, the restaurant and the adjoining marina were host to the White Marlin Open, the largest fishing competition of its kind in the nation.

This year, 444 boats from all around the U.S. and even outside the States entered the contest.

To give you an idea of just how popular the White Marlin Open is, celebrities routinely enter their boats for the multimillion-dollar grand prize.

According to NBC Sports:

Michael Jordan has proven time and time again that no opponent is too challenging for him.

Even in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and Hurricane Isaias, Jordan’s love for competition prevailed as he was spotted in Ocean City, Maryland, this past weekend competing in the White Marlin Open, a deep-sea fishing competition, for the second consecutive year.

My cousin’s restaurant was slammed during the Open, so I figured if we went a couple weeks after the frenzy, we’d be fine.

Nope. Thanks to the labor shortage, open tables were still hard to come by.

Because I’m family, we were able to score a table but only at 7:30 p.m. Mind you, this was a Tuesday night.

As we made our way through the restaurant’s parking lot, dejected people were coming our way, telling us “They’re not taking walk-ins.” 

Luckily, I know the owner.

My cousin’s restaurant was short-staffed. The manager was actually our waitress that night. She was also the bartender.

This is a big restaurant. So it was slow going.

We didn’t mind. We just drank more. And more. And more. 

It was 10:00 by the time we were done with dinner, but we weren’t done with the night.

My brother frequents a bourbon bar on 48th Street in Ocean City, so we made our way there — and that is where our night took a very dramatic turn.

Next to us at the bar sat a very young couple. Hipsters you might say, if that’s still a thing. The gent had a long beard and the woman had a striking resemblance both in looks and speech to Lady Gaga. 

I could tell they were eavesdropping on our conversation, so I invited them in.

After some small talk, they told us they were from New York City and were both public school teachers in the city.

I was immediately interested in them.

They told us that it really isn’t that bad in the city and that the media are overblowing it about COVID lockdowns and restrictions. 

And then came the stunner: They were unvaccinated. 

Young, public school teachers in New York City, hipsters, and unvaccinated?!? You have to be kidding me. 

My contrarian alarms were in overdrive at this point. I loved it.

When they found out my wife and I had just returned from a two-month vacation in Florida, they asked, “How bad was it down there?”

“Oh, the last week we were there, the red tide was unbearable,” I replied.

“No,” they said. “We mean COVID.”

I told them I had no clue: “Beaches were crowded, restaurants were full, traffic was heavy, and everyone was smiling, happy, and having a great time.”

“Ah,” they responded. “The media are telling a different story. They’re characterizing it as a slaughterhouse in Florida.”

My dear readers, the mainstream media and the government are full of shit. They’re drama queens. 

If it bleeds, it leads.

They — along with big social media — stop at nothing to control the narrative. And they try to control you and what you think and how you act.

And that’s why you read us. It’s literally why we exist. It’s why 99% of the investments we bring you are investments you’ll never find in The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Bloomberg, or other vanilla financial outlets.

We were the first to bring you cannabis, renewable energy, and electric vehicles as great investments. 

We are independent and have no reluctance to speak what we think is the truth. 

In fact, if you want to know if you’re onto something promising, watch how the mainstream media, the government, and big business react to it.

If they hate it, try to control it, or try to eliminate it, chances are it’s a great idea or great investment.

An excellent example is cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

The U.S. government hates cryptocurrencies because it can’t control them. It’s why we love cryptocurrencies… and why we began talking about them as early as 2010.

One of the pioneers of cryptos as an investment is our very own Christian DeHaemer. “Hammer” was recommending Bitcoin in the early days with great success.

And now he has another investment idea in the same space.

He’s identified six cryptocurrencies he believes could have a big run in the next few years. 

If you haven’t tried trading crypto yet, give it a shot. You can invest as much or as little as you like, and it’s easy, fun, and profitable. Christian has put together a package to get you started. 

I urge you to listen to what Christian has to say about these cryptocurrencies. It could make you quite a bit of money.

Profitably yours,

Brian Hicks Signature

Brian Hicks

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Brian is a founding member and President of Angel Publishing. He writes about general investment strategies for Wealth Daily and Energy and Capital. Brian is the managing editor and investment director of R.I.C.H Report (Retired Independent Carefree Healthy) and New World Assets. For more on Brian, take a look at his editor’s page.

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