Dear Reader,
In 2010, it won its researchers the Nobel Prize for physics.
Today, it’s on the cusp of changing the world as a mainstream material used in commercial applications.
I’m talking, of course, about the molecule-thick, carbon-based nanostructure known as graphene.
Since its discovery in the early 2000s, it’s made headlines in science journals and periodically grabbed a mention from science editors in the mass media. But for most people, it’s been largely a mystery they were all too content to not bother solving.
I imagine that this was probably the response that plastics initially got after World War 2… Just another engineering curiosity that has no real bearing on day to day life.
And yet today, virtually everything we own and use on a daily basis is either partially or completely made of plastic.
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A Once-In-A-Century Revolution in Materials
Right now, Graphene is going through the same evolution… From curiosity to the building block of modern society.
Just two days ago, news that graphene could be made into incredibly powerful electromagnets made its rounds online.
That same day, another science journal published news of the creation of something called (I kid you not) ‘holey super graphene’. It’s porous – as the name suggests – and comes with properties even more extreme than those of the original nanostructure, such as hyper-conductivity.
Four days later, news from the United Arab Emirates that graphene could be the world’s most effective cleaner of potable water made even bigger waves via CNN.
Little by little, it’s popping up everywhere, and companies across a wide spectrum of sectors are looking into the advantages it can offer future product lines.
Soon enough, it won’t be a matter of whether graphene is used, as it will become the new standard in terms of basic components.
One that comes to mind are wires, which have been made of copper for as long as the concept of controlled electron flow has existed. But this too may soon fall into the basket of things that are better made with graphene.
Graphene’s Killer Application…
Of all the products that we use today and will use more tomorrow, there is one that stands out as the clear winner in terms of importance.
We live in the age of automation, where everything is running off some sort of power source.
More and more, that power source is a rechargeable battery. They’re already everywhere. In our pockets, in our homes, in our cars, and the number of products in each of the aforementioned classes is increasing year after year.
The lithium ion battery market is expected to grow at a CAGR of close to 20% through the end of the decade, ballooning 4x overall to almost $200B in annual sales.
That market, pushed by the global electrification of personal and public transportation, as well as the continued explosion in wireless device demand, represents an evolutionary turning point for humanity.
I know that sounds dramatic, but it’s nothing less than that. This explosion in rechargeable battery storage capacity represents a fundamental shift in how we live, work and communicate with one another.
So yes, batteries are unique. There is no real comparison to the ubiquitous power of the battery anywhere in modern history. But if I had a gun to my head and was forced to come up with a parallel, I’d say that oil in the early 20th century came the closest.
Distributed Power Storage: A Old Concept… A New Vision
Oil, in all of its expressions including all the fuels we use (or used) to power our vehicles and machines, was humanity’s first truly viable technological method of democratizing and decentralizing power storage.
Before it, the only form of power storage an average human could hope to acquire for personal use came in the form of animal muscle.
With the arrival of oil, everyone could have their own personal powerplant sitting in their driveway.
Batteries take this concept to the next level, allowing that same power plant to fit into your pocket, or on your wrist, or even inside your body.
It should come as no shock that graphene’s impact on batteries will be nothing short of revolutionary.
Right now, there’s a company operating out of Brisbane, Australia, that’s got early production batches of commercial-grade graphene batteries in testing right now, and some of the numbers associated are simply incredible.
For example, 2-3x improvements in charge capacity, radical leaps forward in safety and overall lifespan, but most eye-openeing of all is a 70x improvement in charge speed.
Just think about what this could mean.
7000% Improvement In Charge Delay?
Your smartphone could go from dead to capacity in less than a minute.
Same goes for your EV — which means charging would take less time than filling a tank at the pump.
Just imagine what would happen to the automobile market, virtually overnight, if a graphene battery pack came as standard equipment on an EV.
The world would never be the same… And neither would the lithium-ion industry, which would likely not survive the disruption.
Now, this is an investment newsletter, so lets get to the investment part of it.
The company behind this incredible leap forward in battery technology is young, small, and almost unknown outside the professional circles. But it is trading publicly on two north American exchanges.
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Fortune favors the bold,
Alex Koyfman
His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.