How Energy and Capital Celebrates Thanksgiving

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted November 28, 2019

We celebrated Thanksgiving early this year.

Yesterday, to be exact, as Wednesday, was the only day we could actually get everyone in the same room at the same time.

It was still your typical Thanksgiving, though.

Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and plenty of wine for the adults and apple cider for the kids.

We also went around the table and asked the obligatory, “What are you thankful for?”

We heard the typical responses: family, friends, health, good food, etc. But when we got to my 16-year-old niece, who has recently discovered that most politicians are lying scumbags and most of the history she’s learned in high school is peppered with inconsistencies, questionable claims, and blatant omissions, it got real.

Full disclosure: I’ve often encouraged my niece to speak her mind and question everything. Sometimes we agree on things, sometimes we don’t, but I’m a big believer in encouraging our youth to exercise their First Amendment rights and do so unapologetically.

And boy did she do that yesterday.

When asked what she was thankful for, she said:

I’m thankful that I know better than to celebrate a holiday that completely trivializes the mass genocide of Native Americans.

You could’ve heard a pin drop.

Truth is, I loved her response.

I love when folks say things that make people feel uncomfortable — as long as it’s not done with malice.

But not everyone feels the same way.

Challenge the Status Quo and Get Rich

In today’s modern PC culture, it seems everyone is offended by, well, pretty much everything.

And while it’s completely acceptable to feel offended, it’s not acceptable for others to dictate what you can and cannot say just because they’re offended. And I say this as someone who is not denied the opportunity to say or write anything I want.

Here at Energy and Capital, I’ve been given that gift of freedom.

Not only is it completely acceptable to challenge the status quo here, but it’s encouraged. But such a thing is not common.

So many folks these days live and work in environments where they have to monitor every single thing they say or do to avoid being attacked by vocal minorities who think everyone should abide by their standards of conduct.

But at Energy and Capital, not only do I get to enjoy the First Amendment in a way that everyone should, but I also get to use this platform and my desire to challenge antiquated investment strategies to help people build and protect their wealth.

What could be better?

Except for maybe sharing that gift with others.

And that’s why I’m writing this to you today, on Thanksgiving.

As you know, I’m the managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. This is a private investment community focused on investing in companies and industries that are making the world a better place.

I launched this service in 2006 and have helped a lot of people make a lot of money for more than a decade. And while not every stock pick I’ve ever made has been a winner, the ones that have delivered gains have delivered massive gains. Particularly in the cannabis space, where I locked in my first quadruple-digit gain ever.

Actually, I’ve locked in three quadruple-digit gains in pot stocks for members of my community:

  • Canopy Growth Corporation (TSX: WEED) — 3,015.6%
  • Aphria Inc. (TSX: APHA) — 1,174.3%
  • OrganiGram Holdings (TSX-V: OGI) — 1,185%

And there are plenty more double- and triple-digit gains that I’ve also delivered for members of Green Chip Stocks.

Here are just a few:

  • Aurora Cannabis (TSX: ACB) — 100.6%
  • Vestas Wind Systems (OTC: VWDRY) — 47.6%
  • Shake Shack (NYSE: SHAK) — 72.6%
  • Innovative Industrial Properties (NYSE: IIPR) — 295.7%
  • Vivint Solar (NYSE: VSLR) — 70.8%

Bottom line: I want you to get some of this action, too.

So for 24 hours only, as a special Thanksgiving Day gift to you, I’m offering you a one-year membership for just $29.

That’s right.

Just 29 bucks gets you access to my entire portfolio, research reports, and any new recommendations I make for an entire year.

And by the way, I plan on making at least one new stock pick within the next few weeks.

So for $29, you really have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Jeff Siegel

P.S. This offer is only available for Energy and Capital members. So please keep this one to yourself. Here’s the link.

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