Hide Your Amish Daughters! Bill Gates Is In Central PA

Alex Koyfman

Written By Alex Koyfman

Posted October 5, 2024

Dear Reader,

Two weeks ago, news broke that Three Mile Island, made famous by the worst nuclear disaster in American history nearly 50 years ago, will be working exclusively for Bill Gates starting in 2028

These developements drew both applause and criticism, as the topic of nuclear energy typically does, but the main point of the story remained overshadowed by the plant’s tainted history. 

3 miles island

Nuclear power, compared to mainstream fossil fuel power generation is remarkbably clean and safe, with accidents being few and far between and often heavily overhyped. 

Moreover, the reactor which failed 45 years ago — reactor 2 — has been and remains inactive, meaning any problems relating back to the disaster will not be an issue once things get rolling in 2028. 

The big question remains, however: What is going on here? Why is a Silicon Valley titan like Gates interested in nuclear power plants in rural PA?

Simple… Because his next project, and likely his biggest yet, is in desperate need of megawatts and there simply is no other viable source. 

Silicon Valley Is Going Nuclear

Constellation Energy, which owns and operates Three Mile Island, plans to reactivate reactor 1 after a 5 year dormancy, and sell the produced energy exclusively to Microsoft for twenty years to power new ventures in the rapidly growing field of artificial intelligence. 

And this is just one of several such moves made by the Microsoft co-founder and some of his other high profile colleagues. 

Earlier this year, Gates broke ground on a brand new small modular reactor in the small town of Kemmerer Wyoming. 

Another AI pioneer, Open AI CEO Sam Altman, has an entire publicly traded company Oklo Inc (OKLO) dedicated to the task of creating wattage to power the future of AI development. 

And these are just the opening stages. 

It’s predicted that as much as 10% of U.S. energy production could be consumed by the AI industry by the end of the decade, or the equivalent of the total energy demand of France. 

AI: The Biggest Energy Drain In Human History?

This incredible appetite for energy is unlike anything ever seen before, including the famous energy vacuum created by the emergence of the crypto sector over the last decade. 

Across the board, it’s nuclear that’s getting the nod from silicon valley because of the incredible energy density of nuclear fuel. 

Unfortunately, it’s precisely that fuel which the U.S. lacks. 

american Uranium

You see, the United States, despite operating the world’s biggest reactor fleet, produces almost no uranium of its own. 

Even the prized jewels of our Navy, our carriers and ballistic missile submarines, are powered by imported Uranium – much of which was sourced from former Soviet Republics until very recently.

jfkcarrier 600x399

It may have been our biggest strategic weakness of all time, but right now, that decades-old paradigm is finally changing. 

The First New Uranium Refinement Since The Desi Arnaz Era

There is a company, based in Bethesda, Maryland, which recently initiated the first new uranium refinement operations in the U.S. since 1954. 

This company, though small and flying mostly under the radar, today stands as the only entity in the U.S. still legally permitted to import raw Uranium ore from Russia — amidst almost weekly threats from the Kremlin against the U.S. and NATO.

That’s how important our own government sees this firm. 

In the coming months, you’re going to be hearing more and more about this company.

Its stock, though still trading as a small cap, has been rallying over the last few weeks as news flow has been pulling more and more retail investors into the fold. 

Don’t Wait For The Wall Street Journal To Write This Up… Because We Did Months Ago

Over the long term, the potential is enormous. 

This is the only new refinement operation in the U.S., which puts this company in the driver’s seat in terms of supplying the AI revolution with its much needed flow of electrons. 

Want to get the full story, with all the details?

Check out this video presentation.

No registration required and you’ll walk away knowing everything you need to know about this firm, the future of the industry, and how AI will transform the energy landscape here and across the world. 

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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