Go Government!

Written By Nick Hodge

Posted May 13, 2012

Your government is ineffective.

But you knew that.

All it should be doing is providing defense and emergency services and maintaining infrastructure. Instead, it’s found ways to inefficiently infiltrate every corner of our lives.

Term limits and ending the revolving door of corporate/government payola and employment would do much to fix it.

But what politician would do such a thing when they have it so good already?

Anyway, that’s an essay for another day.

Today, just two quick examples of the great progress your public officials are making.

When Did Logic Leave the Room?

The Postal Service lost $5.1 billion dollars last year. That’s $16 for every man, woman, and child in this country.

It lost another $3.2 billion in the first three months of this year.

I need the post office for nothing. In the free market, it would wither and die.

Here’s how it works in Washington…

The USPS asks Congress to end a retiree health payment requirement, pull its employees out of federal health programs, end Saturday mail delivery, and raise rates beyond inflation.

The Senate says the USPS can take longer make those health payments and can end Saturday mail delivery in two years while ignoring everything else.

The House of Representatives does nothing: No bill is passed. Nothing is resolved.

They’ll get reelected in November and we’ll all be shocked next January when the USPS reports a $10 billion loss.

Go government!

Fracking Idiotic

Maybe you’ve heard Vermont is going to be the first state to outlaw fracking.

I hope they spent a good deal of time and taxpayer money to research, draft, and debate the law, because it’s going to have a monumental effect on the nonexistent fracking industry in Vermont…

That’s right, no fracking going on there.

The state doesn’t even have any notable gas reserves. This was simply a time-wasting token gesture.

States that do have frackable reserves and that are undergoing a jobs- and energy-producing fracking boom — like Wyoming, Texas, and Michigan — are encouraging responsible growth by requiring companies to disclose the specific chemicals they use in the process.

So hats off to you, Vermont state legislators. You banned something that didn’t even exist. Let me know how the unicorn moratorium goes.

I don’t know what’s going on, but there has been a serious deterioration of logic and common sense over the past few years.

As always, my advice remains the same: Be observant enough to recognize the idiocy and hypocrisy that’s fed to us every day in the form of ‘news.’

And be smart enough to stay above it, sift through it, and cull the nuggets of information that add to your bottom line.

We do that for you here every week. This week’s examples below.

Call it like you see it,

Nick Hodge
Editor, Energy and Capital

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