"Datacenter Steroid" Boosts Processing Capacity 8x

Alex Koyfman

Written By Alex Koyfman

Posted December 7, 2024

Dear Reader,

AI is now being sold to investors as nothing short of internet 2.0. 

It will be paradigm-shifting. It will be revolutionary. It will be… transformative. 

AI will diagnose and treat deadly diseases, fast-track the development of new technologies, all while letting us humans spend more time maxing and relaxing. 

That’s been the story for the last two years anyway, and with guys like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Sam Altman all saying essentially the same thing, it’s hard for the human hive-mind to not accept it as fact. 

The problem with this all and something that these same tech oligarchs have also been publicly addressing, is that the infrastructure to support AI growth simply is not there. 

Right now, data center capacity is projected to grow between 19% and 22% annually until the end of the decade, with 70% of new capacity going to new demand from AI. 

And the big tech brands are acting accordingly. 

Without Infrastructure… There Is No AI

Meta just recently announced a $10B datacenter project in Louisiana. 

Microsoft is working on its own AI hub in Wisconsin reported to be worth $3.3B.

OpenAI is actively expanding its datacenter fleet as it works towards the 1 billion user milestone. 

And the real estate is only part of the equation.

All of this is going to require a proportionate increase in power generation, presenting its own set of problems. 

By the year 2030 — which, terrifyingly enough, is only 5 years and 3 weeks away —  AI-specific data centers are projected to require as much as 9% of total global power supply to continue to run. 


That’s equivalent of the total annual power demand of India and Russia put together.

That skyrocketing need is another thorn in the side of the tech titans’ plans, and it’s spawning yet another new industry to tackle — microgrids and small and tiny modular nuclear reactors. 

New construction. New power infrastructure. 

It’s a lot to undertake just to support the exponentially-expanding needs of a fairly new branch of tech, but it seems like there’s no way around it. 

What If We Could Increase Processing Capacity 8-Fold Without Building Any New Datacenters?

Unless we want to hit an AI bottleneck, which could cause some of these tech empires to crumble, we’re going to need both just to keep up. 

But what if there was another way?

What if we could take our existing data centers and make them 2, 4, or even 8 times as efficient?

Right now, there’s a Toronto-based tech company that’s doing just that, and they’re doing it by using light as a data transmission medium. 

Faster and less energy-demanding, this company’s innovation enables the replacement of traditional electrical connections with optical interfaces, leading to faster data transmission, lower power consumption, and reduced production costs. 

Data rates improve by factors of 2-4, while energy demands can drop by as much as half. 

Now granted, the new data centers will continue to appear across the landscape, and new power generation will continue to go online, but equipped with this optical technology, every tech company in the AI business will get multiple times more bang for the buck. 

Which means these optical interfaces won’t just be a nice option. They’ll be an absolutely necessary feature of every new facility if the owner is to remain competitive. 

Today’s Advantage Is Tomorrow’s Standard

Now, here’s where it gets really interesting. 

The company that’s behind all this isn’t some massive multinational with its fingers in a wide spectrum of industries. 

Their speciality is light-based data transmission. That’s it. They supply some of the biggest electronic component makers in the world, who in turn supply all of the major tech brands out there. 

I’m talking about companies you know, including Meta, Nvidia, Microsoft and Google. 

Few investors know about this company. Their stock trades for just a couple dollars, with a market capitalization of less than $400M

But the value they could bring to the tech industry, especially as the AI race ramps up, could run in the trillions of dollars. 

That’s no exaggeration. 

These optical interfaces could be no less significant than the transistor in 1947, or the integrated circuit a decade later. 


I recently did a thorough profile on this company, and was shocked even as I was doing my research, at just how important this technology could be in the coming years. 

Even more shocking is how unaware the retail investment community is. 

Here’s your chance to become one of the educated. 

Check out my research, right here.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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