Czech Republic Focusing On Nuclear Power

Brian Hicks

Written By Brian Hicks

Posted September 8, 2011

The Czech policy draft for the national energy strategy has its focus on nuclear power.

Expansion of the country’s nuclear power is among three energy alternatives the Czech government will consider when it comes time for the long-term review of their energy strategies at the end of the year, Trade Minister Martin Kocourek said in an interview in Prague today.

If the nuclear power plan goes into effect, 80 percent of the Czech Republic’s energy output will be nuclear power by 2060. Currently 32 percent of their energy is nuclear power.

The proposal for use of nuclear energy is the opposite of Germany’s decision to eliminate the use of nuclear power by 2022. Germany’s decision was made following the events that occurred at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant in March of this year.

Reuters reports that Austria, like Germany, is opposed to this increase of nuclear power. Austria, located a short 30 miles from the largest Czech nuclear plant, is a strictly anti-nuclear country.

Kocourek defends his country’s decision because nuclear energy is the cheapest source when looking at the situation long-term. The Czech government is highly focused on economic growth and staying competitive.

The strategy proposal doesn’t advocate increasing the share of renewable energy resources after 2030 given the current level of technology, Kocourek said in a separate e-mail message today.

CEZ, the state-controlled utility company that produces 70 percent of Czech power, currently operates six reactors at the Dukovany and Temelin atomic plants and has plans to build two more in Temelin by 2025.

The ministry’s proposal for the Czech Republic’s energy future will be submitted to the government by the end of this year.

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