It's 75 degrees and sunny in Baltimore this weekend. And it's St. Patrick's day. So go outside and plant something or drink a beer, I'll keep this to a brief recap of the week...
First Solar announced yet another project for 2012, while the U.S. as a whole continues to increase its solar installations.
Most importantly, 3D printing has rendered economies of scale obsolete, reinstating the ability to produce high quality products for relatively low overhead costs back to the individual something...
First Solar will work with NRG Energy on the 26 megawatt project in Arizona.
Exelon Corp's acquisition of the Baltimore-based energy company gives Exelon a nationwide consumer base, with operations in 47 states, Washington D.C. and Canada, and makes them the second largest...
According to the National Research Council, solar storms of this magnitude cause irreversible damage to electrical grids by sending a surge of energy through them causing them to trip, leading to...
The fuel-efficient technologies incentive and the expansion of tax credits coincide with Obama's campaign proposal to have 1 million plug-in-vehicles on American roads by 2015 and make electric...
We've seen what can happen when energy technologies are chosen based on cronyism, and not solely on their economic merits... That's not how we do things around here. We know energy alternatives will...
Abound Solar is laying off a portion of its workforce to focus on a new module.
One of the things I've learned in this business is that profits are real whether they come from actual sales or anticipated ones, whether the latter materialize or not.
The ERS Drive System is a marriage between hydraulic and electric vehicles, achieving a perfect balance between energy density and power density by harnessing the power of dual regenerative braking.
GE's building a $4.3 billion back door to the electric vehicle market.