Having read every bit of energy news I could get my hands on over past five years, I've seen my share of energy plans. I've learned not to put much stock in the impact government plans will have on...
Guest contributor Kaitlin Walter discusses President Obama's March 30th speech on decreasing U.S. reliance on imported oil.
If world oil demand is to be 110.6 million barrels per day in 2035, and most experts believe production will never pass 100 million barrels per day... where is the difference going to come from?
Editor Keith Kohl reveals why Japan's troubles will cause a surge of activity in the LNG markets.
The U.S. gov't, in its entirety, has been doing so for years... But the gravity of how far it'll go, and how good it is at doing it, didn't sink in until recently, when I came across some old...
Editor Chris DeHaemer reports as China tosses down the gauntlet in the South China Sea.
The takeaway is this: We are at the beginning of a decades-long energy bull market induced by population-driven demand and limited supply... Mining accidents, oil spills, and earthquakes don't...
Editor Jeff Siegel discusses how Ford may have just taken the lead in electric vehicle development.
Editor Nick Hodge says the best way to come out ahead during times of instability is to secure your wealth.
Guest contributor Kaitlin Walter discusses the first algae company, Solazyme, to go public, and what it means for the future of renewable oil production.
Editor Chris DeHaemer shares with readers why waiting for natural gas to go up has been a little like waiting for Godot.
Yes, these events are horrific... But the bird's-eye brutal truth is that, save for those in the immediate area, these events quickly fade into history -- their impact on lives, not markets.