Category: Oil Investing

U.S. Oil Exports

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 30, 2013

U.S. oil production has exceeded exports for the first time in decades, but the nation is also exporting on a larger scale--to Canada.

Argentina Shale Development

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 30, 2013

While Chevron (NYSE: CVX) is caught up in legal battles in Argentina, the nation's second-wealthiest family may swoop in to sign the binding shale agreement...

U.K. Fracking Ahead

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 29, 2013

The U.K. continues to explore the possibility of a shale boom, and the Energy and Climate Committee has determined fracking may be necessary to reach untapped gas...

Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM) Taps Alberta Oil Sands

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 29, 2013

Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM) and Imperial Oil Ltd. (NYSE:IMO) have begun operations at their Kearl oil sands project in Alberta, and the prospects are promising...

Texas' Oil Boom is Back

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 29, 2013

Keith Kohl sorts through the Texas oil boom, showing readers where the most lucrative profits will come from over the next decade...

Bakken Crude Production

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 29, 2013

CenterPoint Energy is teaming up with Exxon's (NYSE:XOM) XTO Energy to build a Bakken pipeline system...

Oil and Gas Company Profits

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 28, 2013

Oil and gas companies struggle with falling oil prices, but natural gas production and growing output appear to be the saviors...

Rosneft (MM:ROSN) Plans to Boost Share Value

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 25, 2013

Russia's Rosneft (MM:ROSN) is challenging Gazprom's (MM:GAZP) monopoly on LNG exports to Asia...

New Zealand's Sleeping Oil Empire

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 24, 2013

There's a sleeping oil giant out there, and it's a place few ever associate with fossil fuels... or heavy industry of any kind, for that matter...

Ghana Oil to Double

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 24, 2013

Oil is already Ghana's second-biggest export, and the nation expects production to double in the next eight years...

North Sea Oil Discovery

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 24, 2013

Cairn Energy (LSE:CNE) is just one of several companies that recently made oil discoveries in the North Sea. Could the area see a resurgence?

Tesoro (NYSE:TSO) Crude Oil Rail Venture

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 23, 2013

Tesoro Corp. (NYSE:TSO) is building a rail unloading facility in Washington to facilitate the rail transfer of domestic crude to West Coast refineries...