Category: Oil Investing

No Shale Gas for Poland?

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 8, 2013

Poland's shale prospects are looking even more dismal as Talisman (NYSE: TLM) and Marathon Oil (NYSE: MRO) follow Exxon (NYSE: XOM) in exiting the country...

Norway Oil Tax Investing

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 6, 2013

Norway's strong oil sector has not kept the nation immune to the Eurozone crisis, and now the government plans to levy taxes on oil companies to boost national growth...

Sinopec IPO

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 6, 2013

Sinopec's subsidiary Sinopec Engineering is set to go public. And while critics certainly have things to say, the prospects are promising...

Brazil Deepwater Oil Investing

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 6, 2013

BP (NYSE: BP) is selling a majority stake in a shallow-water Brazilian oil field. But that doesn't mean it's giving up on Brazilian oil...

Bakken Breakout

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 6, 2013

Keith Kohl sheds some light on the latest USGS assessment of the Bakken oil play.

TransCanada's (NYSE: TRP) Oil Sands Pipeline

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 5, 2013

TransCanada's (NYSE: TRP) Keystone XL delays may be frustrating, but the company isn't letting that slow it down...

Exxon Oil Analysis

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 2, 2013

The future of oil markets will be discussed at this year's Oil & Gas Forum in New York City

Texas Oil Exports

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 2, 2013

An outdated law makes it cheaper to ship U.S. oil to refineries in Canada. While this is good for some, domestic refiners are up in arms...

Meet the Cline Shale

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 2, 2013

Keith Kohl takes a trip to west Texas to show readers a shale play you won't hear about on Wall Street.

Shell (NYSE: RDS-A) Natural Gas Production

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 2, 2013

Shell has been chosen by Abu Dhabi National OIl Company to develop natural gas. But this is just part of the company's major investment in natural gas...

Bakken and Three Forks Oil

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 1, 2013

As drilling and investment in the Bakken continues to grow, the USGS has come out with a report showing reserves are even higher than previously thought...

Bakken Oil Reserves More than Double

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 1, 2013

Back in 2008, I was doing research on the quietly emerging oil boom in Montana and North Dakota when I came across an obscure paper published in 2006 by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.