Category: Oil Investing

BP (NYSE: BP) Invests in Iraqi Oil

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 22, 2013

Oil giant BP (NYSE: BP) is increasing planning to increase its output from Iraq's Rumaila oil field, injecting more money into the region...

Shale Gas-Powered Fracking

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 22, 2013

Companies are beginning to make use of the fuel they produce on-site to power the extraction of that same fuel...

Another Bakken in the United States

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 22, 2013

The Bakken in North Dakota gets the lion's share of hype in the oil and gas industry... but another shale formation to the south is doing something quite remarkable.

Solar-Powered Oil Extraction Technology

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 21, 2013

California-based GlassPoint Solar is making its mark in enhanced oil extraction, starting with Middle Eastern country Oman...

U.S. Fracking Regulations Upset Oil Industry

Written by Jason Stutman
Posted May 21, 2013

U.S. Interior Department proposes fracking regulations. Both oil industry proponents and Environmentalists are displeased. Neither looking at the upsides.

Investing in Hydraulic Fracturing

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 20, 2013

Keith Kohl shows readers how to invest in the pure hydraulic fracturing plays that are making billions from gouging Big Oil.

Wyoming Oil Rail Terminal

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 20, 2013

A midstream company is partnering with a coal company to facilitate the transportation of crude oil from the Wyoming shale basin to the West Coast...

Keystone XL Approval Investing

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 19, 2013

Canada's prime minister Stephen Harper is exerting pressure to spur the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline. Either way, he says, the crude will move.

Argentina Shale Investing

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 19, 2013

After a number of setbacks, Chevron (NYSE: CVX) has finally arrived at a deal with YPF to gain a stake in the Vaca Muerta basin...

Utica Shale: Boom or Bust?

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 16, 2013

The verdict on whether the Utica Shale play will turn out to be a boom or bust.

Shell (NYSE: RDS-A) Middle Eastern Oil Investments

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 16, 2013

Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-A) is one of the few international oil companies eyeing oil prospects in Iraq...

Oil Price Manipulation

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 15, 2013

BP (NYSE: BP), Statoil (NYSE: STO), and Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-A) are under investigation regarding the manipulation of oil prices...