As demand from China and the Eurozone stays low, and as North American imports drop off, OPEC may be forced to slow production this summer...
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl uncovers a potential roadblock for future U.S. LNG exports.
Obama slipped an announcement of higher carbon costs into an announcement on microwave ovens. And it could impact major projects...
EIA shale oil reserve estimates shows the U.S. potential for the future, but it also shows how countries like Russia have the potential to catch up...
Colombia is set to see a 13% spike in oil production this year. And where Venezuela lost valuable workers, Colombia gained them.
EIA reports that global shale reserves have risen.
Surveying oil pipelines with a new generation of drones.
Morning Energy Intel - June 10, 2013
Myanmar's natural gas potential could be high, and the nation is bringing in foreign investment...
California fracking holds a potential 15.4 billion barrels in the Monterey Shale alone. That's about 60% of the nation's shale oil reserves. It will happen.
U.S. crude production is now higher than exports. What's next for domestic oil in the United States?
Norway's decision to increase taxes on the oil and gas sector has some companies outraged, and projects are slowing down.