Category: Oil Investing

Offshore Drilling Investments

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 15, 2013

Editor Keith Kohl shows readers how far companies are willing to drill for tomorrow's oil supply.

Niobrara Shale Stocks

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted July 11, 2013

Investors looking for the next Bakken should keep an eye on this shale play that extends into Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska...

Why Oil Prices Could Continue Rising

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted July 11, 2013

Oil prices stay above $100 per barrel as international tensions combine with declining U.S. inventories...

The Death of Pemex

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 11, 2013

Energy and Capital Editor Keith Kohl takes a hard look at how Mexico is scrambling to avoid the coming collapse of its oil industry.

Shale Boom Ousts OPEC

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted July 10, 2013

OPEC cut the demand forecast for its crude by 250,000 barrels per day from this year's levels. And the shale boom is the cause of it all...

In Defense of the Keystone XL Pipeline

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted July 8, 2013

The recent rail disaster in Quebec has shed light on the dangers of transporting crude by rail while increasing the importance of pipelines...

All Roads Lead to North Dakota

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 8, 2013

West Coast refineries are breathing a sigh of relief as a flood of oil flows out of North Dakota...

BP (NYSE: BP) Oil Spill Saga

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted July 8, 2013

BP (NYSE: BP) is still involved in legal battles from the spill in the Gulf in 2010. But the company has managed to maintain its success with petroleum...

China Shale Boom Coming

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted July 7, 2013

China wants to replace coal with shale gas.

Why is Egypt Affecting WTI Crude Prices?

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted July 4, 2013

Egypt may not be a major oil producer, but it is home to the Suez Canal and the Suez-Mediterranean pipeline...

U.S. Natural Gas Fuels Mexican Manufacturing

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted July 4, 2013

Mexico is taking advantage of low-cost natural gas from the U.S. by fueling a manufacturing revolution...

Failing Brazilian Oil Investing

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted July 4, 2013

Brazilian oil company OGX has lost a lot of money recently, and the company is headed for even greater turmoil as a loan payment comes due...