The U.S. shale boom has the Saudi Royal Family up nights...
For all the hype the Bakken receives, the Permian Basin of West Texas is more promising than many people realize...
There are currently 120 ultra-deepwater drillships in existence, and demand is strong. Transocean's deepwater rigs are close to 100% utilized. And they aren't alone...
China's CNPC has been buying up oil and gas assets overseas, and it's eyeing up more...
U.S. shale producers are performing better than Big Oil. What does this mean for the U.S. shale boom?
Sinopec (NYSE: SNP) subsidiary Sinopec Oilfield Service Company is involved in talks with Weatherford International (NYSE: WFT), aiming for shale exploration in China...
China's desperation for shale profits could lead the nation to risk earthquakes and improper procedures...
As the U.S. continues to delay approval for the Keystone XL, TransCanada (NYSE: TRP) has decided to instead provide Canada with much-needed energy infrastructure...
Editor Keith Kohl breaks down why the Canadian oil industry is pursuing a new client to buy its barrels.
Iraq is a big deal. The country has the second largest oil reserves in the world. They are currently pumping out 2.9 million barrels a day, with goals of pumping 9 million bpd by 2020.
U.S. oil production is starting to be felt within OPEC, so many nations are increasing renewables to offset domestic demand...
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