Category: Oil Investing

Mascoma adds Big Oil talent after Aborted Ethanol IPO

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 5, 2013

Morning Energy Intel

U.S. Domestic Oil Prices

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted November 4, 2013

The bubble bursting crowd appears around the same time every year. They say oil prices are heading off a cliff, and their rumblings grow louder as prices head lower. The truth is there is no oil...

ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP) Oil Production

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 3, 2013

ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP) is selling a number of its oil assets abroad in order to turn the focus closer to home...

The Next Oil Age is Upon Us

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted October 31, 2013

Saudi Arabia is heading for a crude awakening at the hands of the tight oil boom taking place in the United States...

Spain Fracking Investments

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 31, 2013

The Spanish government has revised old oil and gas exploration laws to include rules for fracking, bringing shale gas exploration to the struggling economy...

North Dakota Oil Pipeline

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 30, 2013

The Obama administration continues to drag its feet on approving the Keystone XL pipeline, but it's also dragging its feet on pipeline safety regulations...

Peru Oil Investing

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 30, 2013

Peru is looking to expand its oil potential, and Chinese companies are staking investments in the region...

The Supercomputer's Supercomputer

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted October 30, 2013

The push for deepwater offshore drilling is driven by the fact that while fracking is booming, it is expensive. And wells run out relatively quickly. In the high seas, companies feel the siren call...

Marathon (NYSE: MRO), Total (NYSE: TOT) Find New Oil and Gas in Iraq

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 30, 2013

The sixth-largest oil producing region in the world has yielded more oil and LNG-producing zones for Marathon.

Investing in Oil Transportation

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 28, 2013

The U.S. is entering the next phase of the oil boom: infrastructure. Companies involved in oil and gas transportation will boom for some time to come...

Permian Basin Oil Investments

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 27, 2013

If oil prices fall, many fear operations in places like the Permian will come to a halt. But some companies will be able to maintain production...