Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl examines the effects of the crises in Gaza and Ukraine on oil prices and U.S. oil exports.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reveals one of the most prolific oil pioneers of our generation and how investors can get a piece of his latest shale venture.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl discusses Ellis White's competition in the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reports on the latest technology to enhance oil recovery in South Texas.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl tells readers about a new class of oil barons that are forging their empires in emerging tight oil plays across the United States.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl questions whether Whiting Petroleum's latest buyout will spark a land grab elsewhere.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reports on why Israel's Leviathan natural gas field may be in danger.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a closer look at why Saudi oil princes are breaking out in a nervous sweat over the U.S. becoming the world's largest oil producer.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl tells readers what it will take for the U.S. to reach its next milestone in oil production.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reports on the recent gas price spike, which comes just as Hurricane Arthur hits North Carolina.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl questions whether or not we should be concerned over the surge in oil train explosions since 2010.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reports on the latest ruling by the U.S. Commerce Department over U.S. petroleum exports.