Category: Oil Investing

Oil Drilling Technology

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 7, 2014

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a closer look at two different technologies that will shape the future of U.S. oil production.

Iraq War: Round 3

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 7, 2014

Energy and Capital Editor Alex Martinelli weighs in on the possibility of another war in Iraq.

Hess (NYSE: HES) Spins Off an MLP

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 6, 2014

Energy and Capital editor Alex Martinelli reports on Hess Corp.'s new master limited partnership and the resurgence of MLP investing in the United States.

Middle East Oil Exodus

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 4, 2014

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a closer look at why one of the world's largest oil companies is making an exodus from Middle Eastern oil fields.

Iraq in Shambles But Oil Still Low

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 3, 2014

Energy and Capital editor Alex Martinelli reports on the latest offensive by the Islamic State in Iraq and what effect it will have on global oil prices.

South Texas Oil Exports

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 31, 2014

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a closer look at how the Eagle Ford Shale will fuel future Gulf Coast oil exports.

Will Kurdistan Fight Back?

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 30, 2014

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reports on the latest news in Galveston and questions whether Kurdistan will decide to fight back after having its oil tanker seized.

Welcome to Saudi Dakota

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 28, 2014

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reveals an emerging oil play in the U.S. shale patch that is starting to make headlines, and it's only a matter of time before Wall Street catches wind of it.

Iraq Breaks Apart

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 27, 2014

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reports on the latest news of Kurdish oil exports hitting U.S. refineries.

U.S. Ships First Oil Exports in 40 Years

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 24, 2014

Energy and Capital Editor Keith Kohl examines the historic shipment of light oil condensate from the U.S. for the first time since 1975, and comments on the consequences of the ban on crude oil...

Atlantic Coast Oil Drilling is Opening Up

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted July 23, 2014

Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer talks about the end of the ban on Atlantic coast drilling, what it means, and who will profit from it. These are the last value stocks in the oil sector...

Iran Sanctions Extension

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 20, 2014

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl comments on the prolonged nuclear negotiations between Iran, the U.S., and other world powers.