Category: Oil Investing

Venezuela's Hyperinflation Problem

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 8, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Chris DeHaemer, explains why Venezuela is dealing with hyperinflation and the possibility of civil war.

Mark Mobius says oil will hit $60 again

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 4, 2016

Energy and Capital editor, Chris DeHaemer explains why Mark Mobius thinks oil prices are going to rise.

The Saudi Oil Bluff Takes a New Turn

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 2, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains why the Saudis may be hopelessly addicted to crude oil... and the one thing that can save them is far out of their reach.

OPEC's Empty Threats

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 18, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains who Saudi Arabia's true enemy is and why it may not be for the obvious reasons.

Big Bank Admits to Manipulating Gold/Silver Prices

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted April 17, 2016

The conspiracy theorists may have been right. Deutsche Bank just agreed to settle two lawsuits that alleged the German bank illegally conspired to manipulate gold and silver prices at the expense of...

The Two Biggest Oil Bets I'm Making in 2016

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 11, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reveals two investment opportunities taking shape in the oil markets as crude prices move away from a bottom.

Buy of the Decade in Oil

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted April 6, 2016

The last three times this happened, savvy investors made 600% or more. Now it's happening in the oil sector. Christian DeHaemer give you his top 5 value stocks in oil.

OPEC Showdown: Iran vs. Saudi Arabia

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 4, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl breaks down the epic OPEC showdown taking place between Iran and Saudi Arabia... who will budge first?

Investing in the Lithium Uprising

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 31, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reveals the one thing that Tesla can't do itself.

Trading Today's Oil Glut

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 28, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains why today's oil glut is not the same as the one readers lived through during the 1980s.

Forget OPEC, Look to Mexico for Oil Profits

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 21, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reveals an unlikely place for investors to find oil profits.

OPEC's Oil Price War Backfires

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 17, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl dives into the oil price war being waged within OPEC and shows readers why any recovery must be handled delicately.