Category: Oil Investing

New Oil Field Discovery

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 23, 2009

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl crunches the numbers with California's largest oil field discovery in 35 years.

2009 Natural Gas Forecast

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted July 23, 2009

Energy and Capital editor Chris Nelder weighs the bullish and bearish factors of natural gas prices,and concludes the bears are all wet. It's time to buy gas.

Public Energy Opinions

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted July 21, 2009

Energy & Capital editor Nick Hodge offers his take on public energy opinions before asking the readers for theirs.

Natural Gas Supply

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 19, 2009

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl offers his readers three ways to play the upcoming rebound in natural gas prices.

Farmland Fever

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted July 16, 2009

Energy and Capital editor Chris Nelder considers the recent mega-investment wave in farmland in light of peak oil concerns, and thinks farmland may be the trade of the century.

Oil Exporters and Renewable Energy

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted July 14, 2009

Energy & Capital editor Nick Hodge takes a look at the cleantech efforts for oil-rich nations before concluding that the cleantech tipping point has been reached.

T. Boone Pickens and the Future of Natural Gas

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 8, 2009

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reveals why the Pickens Plan will still lead us away from our foreign oil addiction.

When To Invest in Oil

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 6, 2009

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a hard look at OPEC's oil production, oil prices, and why oil's next buying opportunity is upon us.

The Oil Sands of Alberta Canada

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted June 29, 2009

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reveals why an Alberta oil sands revival is right around the corner and how investors can get their piece of the pie.

The Renewable Energy Revolution

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted June 25, 2009

Energy and Capital editor Chris Nelder offers seven no-brainer paths to energy success in the coming renewable energy revolution.

The Facts on Methane Gas Hydrates

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted June 21, 2009

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reveals why gas hydrates may be a natural gas sinkhole for investors.

"Indeflation" and "Compartflation"

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted June 18, 2009

Energy and Capital editor Chris Nelder deconstructs the inflation/deflation debate and conjectures that we may have reached an inflection point in economic history, where the price at which energy...