Category: Oil Investing

How They'll Steal Billions in Energy Profits

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted January 4, 2011

Editor Keith Kohl shows readers one profitable way to play energy in the long term.

Personal Energy Use

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted January 3, 2011

Editor Nick Hodge continues the tradition of chronicling his annual energy use... and extrapolates ways to trade everyday energy patterns.

Weekend: Why You Should Bet on Energy in 2011

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 31, 2010

Editor Keith Kohl takes a look at why energy is 2011's best investment.

The Best Oil Story of 2010 Just Got Better

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 28, 2010

Editor Keith Kohl tells readers why the Bakken oil play is the best oil story of 2010 -- and how you can stay ahead of this investment.

OPEC Caught Lying

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted December 27, 2010

Editor Nick Hodge discusses the arrival of $200 oil and $5 gas.

Weekend: Everything Changes

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted December 25, 2010

Editor Nick Hodge dubs 2010 the year of change, and highlights exactly what energy changes to expect in the next year.

Post-Peak Oil Trends

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted December 22, 2010

Editor Nick Hodge claims victory on Peak Oil premonition and puts forward three more trends to expect in coming years.

Why the Dirty Oil Sands Aren't So Filthy

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 21, 2010

Editor Keith Kohl takes a closer look at the oil sands report that led to immediate government action.

Signs of the Peak: Oil and Gas M&A

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted December 20, 2010

Editor Nick Hodge pokes around recent oil & gas industry mergers and acquisitions, concluded high oil prices are a symptom, not a cause.

2011 Solar Stock Forecast

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted December 19, 2010

Despite our rather pessimistic social, political, and economic outlook for 2011, we have a few stocks with the opportunity to pay off quite well in the new year.

Weekend: Natural Gas' Breakout Moment

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 17, 2010

Editor Keith Kohl explains why 2011 will be a breakout year for natural gas.

Iraqi Oil Lies

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted December 15, 2010

Editor Christian DeHaemer reveals oil lies from the Middle East and explains why 12 million bbl/day is nothing more than a daydream...