Category: Oil Investing

The Potential of Shale

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted February 10, 2011

Editor Nick Hodge discusses the rebirth of the Pickens Plan thanks to copious amounts of shale gas and improved ways to drill for it.

Profit from G.W.'s Sudan Peace

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted February 9, 2011

Editor Chris DeHaemer discusses oil production in Sudan and why East African oil companies are on his watch list.

WikiLeaks: Saudi Oil Lies Exposed

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted February 8, 2011

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl sheds light on the latest WikiLeak cables concerning Saudi Arabia's exaggerated oil reserves.

Weekend: In Case You Didn't Know...

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted February 4, 2011

Editor Nick Hodge offers a few highlights on rising commodity prices across the globe.

Population's Effect on the Future of Energy

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted February 3, 2011

Editor Chris DeHaemer talks about the three hottest trends in energy as the world's population balloons and with it, energy demand.

Egypt's Effect on Oil Prices

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted February 2, 2011

Guest Contributor Kaitlin Walter discusses how turmoil in Egypt is affecting oil prices.

Far-Off Energy Advances... Today

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted February 2, 2011

Editor Nick Hodge offers three seemingly far-off energy trends available or being developed today.

The Oil Trap You Can't Fall For

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted February 1, 2011

Editor Keith Kohl warns readers about an oil investment trap that too many people have fallen for.

A Welcome Return for $100 Oil

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted January 31, 2011

Editor Nick Hodge discusses the bump in oil prices after Egyptian unrest and why it's only a sign of things to come.

Obama Pep Rally

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted January 30, 2011

Editor Jeff Siegel discusses Obama's State of the Union Address.

Weekend: Obama's Pledge to Eliminate Oil

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted January 28, 2011

Editor Keith Kohl explains why Obama's pledge to end our oil addiction won't be an easy feat...

The Chart that Makes Investors Cry

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted January 25, 2011

Editor Keith Kohl takes a hard look at why natural gas investments will heat up in 2011.