Category: Oil Investing

These 5 Offshore Drillers Are Still Kicking

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 5, 2011

Editor Keith Kohl offers investors five offshore drilling stocks worth a second look.

Texas Energy via Toronto

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted April 4, 2011

I'll invest in a wind farm as fast as I'll put money in coal mine. If it's a good investment... it's a good investment.

Weekend: Through Our Looking Glass

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted April 1, 2011

Our world view lens is tinted a different shade than most. We give as much thought to Google search trends as we do the Wall Street Journal; we know our neighbors can tell us more about the economy...

Canadian Crude Imports

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 31, 2011

Editor Keith Kohl offers readers two ways to profit from our growing addiction to Canadian oil.

Obama's New Energy Plan

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted March 29, 2011

Having read every bit of energy news I could get my hands on over past five years, I've seen my share of energy plans. I've learned not to put much stock in the impact government plans will have on...

Domestic Drilling

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted March 29, 2011

Guest contributor Kaitlin Walter discusses President Obama's March 30th speech on decreasing U.S. reliance on imported oil.

The Niobrara Shale Formation

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 28, 2011

Editor Keith Kohl highlights a new up-and-coming shale formation that's starting to attract investors' attention.

Oil by Any Other Name

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted March 27, 2011

If world oil demand is to be 110.6 million barrels per day in 2035, and most experts believe production will never pass 100 million barrels per day... where is the difference going to come from?

Weekend: 3 LNG Stocks for Summer

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 25, 2011

Editor Keith Kohl reveals why Japan's troubles will cause a surge of activity in the LNG markets.

Your Government Lies

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted March 24, 2011

The U.S. gov't, in its entirety, has been doing so for years... But the gravity of how far it'll go, and how good it is at doing it, didn't sink in until recently, when I came across some old...

China's Next Oil War

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted March 23, 2011

Editor Chris DeHaemer reports as China tosses down the gauntlet in the South China Sea.

The Williston Basin

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 22, 2011

Editor Keith Kohl explains why Obama's bout of oil amnesia keeps the U.S. addicted to foreign oil.