It was no secret Osama was in Pakistan. It was no secret Apple and Google were tracking users. It's no secret that oil companies will invest billion in clean energy companies.
Editor Keith Kohl explains why natural gas is one of the answers to reducing our foreign oil addiction.
Well that's it... It's been a good run, but after 235 years of dominant reign, the U.S. is being forced into global superpower retirement. Maybe we'll at least get a nice watch for our service.
Editor Keith Kohl takes a hard look at why Canada's natural gas crisis is already underway, and what implications investors can expect from the decline.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl offers four energy stocks that will help Japan ease their upcoming energy crisis and asks investors, "How are you NOT bullish on energy yet?"
Editor Keith Kohl explains why Big Oil isn't exactly delivering big profits.
The solution to Peak Oil, as many countries are proving, isn't more hard-to-get oil — though that will continue to be profitable for some time... Instead, there will be multiple solutions to fill...
Editor Keith Kohl offers readers 10 gas saving tips to ease the pain of rising gasoline prices.
Adam Lass is betting that Goldman is waaay early on oil's eventual demise.
Editor Keith Kohl ruminates how Eastern Texas is still pumping out oil profits while sliding down the backside of the Peak Oil curve...
The shale boom has gone global. Where will those countries sitting on shale turn for help developing their newly found natural gas wealth?
A wild west of cocaine, paramilitary violence, corruption and more violence, Christian DeHaemer talks turnaround and opportunity in the booming oil market of Colombia.