Category: Oil Investing

Venezuela's Imminent Oil Collapse

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 12, 2019

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a look at the devastating effects of the latest power blackouts in Venezuela.

Mexico's Natural Gas Crisis

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted February 28, 2019

Mexico already consumes much more natural gas than the country can possibly produce. And it's gonna need much more of the fossil fuel over the next several decades...

Don't Make the Same Investing Mistake as Warren Buffett

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted February 26, 2019

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl discusses one of the biggest investing mistakes Warren Buffett ever made, and how you can avoid making it yourself...

Lessons Learned, Profits Earned

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted February 19, 2019

Sometimes things just fall into place. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a closer look at why the tight oil boom is far from over.

We Can Now Make Oil From Plastic

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted February 17, 2019

Plastics went from the lithium of the 1950s to the enemy today. But research out of Purdue University may prevent the coming environmental crisis plastics could create. Energy and Capital editor...

Is the Saudis’ Greatest Fear Coming True?

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted February 12, 2019

What is Saudi Arabia’s greatest fear? Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reveals why the Saudis' greatest fear may be coming true and what their next move will be to avoid collapse.

The Most Underrated Long-Term Investment in the World Today

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted February 4, 2019

Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer has found what is perhaps the most underrated long-term profit trend in the world today, and it involves the Permian Basin...

This New Oil Chart Changes Everything... and Brother, You'd Better Be Ready

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted January 29, 2019

OPEC is imploding day by day. And right now, no other catalyst weighs heavier on the 14-member oil cartel than the collapse of Venezuela’s oil industry. But Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl...

Cash Is a Fact

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 21, 2019

Oil is cyclical; that is the simple truth. This time is not different. Today's low prices will create tomorrow's highs. Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer discusses this fact and...

3 Ways to Strike Texas Oil Profits... Without Exxon

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted January 15, 2019

Between 2008 and 2018, oil extraction in the Permian Basin more than tripled. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl peels back the mystery of the Permian Basin and shows investors three ways to...

American Energy Dominance Starts Right Here

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted January 8, 2019

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows readers why the biggest oil boom in American history may slow to a crawl unless one critical hurdle is overcome. It’s one of the rare times you’ll see...

This Single American Oilfield Produces More Than 12 OPEC Nations

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 25, 2018

The United States is now the world’s top oil producer. Technological advances in drilling have accelerated so much in the last three years that America’s Permian oil basin is producing more oil...