Category: Oil Investing

U.S. to Be Natural Gas Exporter

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted January 24, 2012

Editor Nick Hodge takes a bird's-eye look at America's new natural gas industry and ways investors can profit.

Montana's Second Oil Boom Begins

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted January 23, 2012

Why Montana's oil industry won't stay in North Dakota's shadow for much longer...

Apache to Buy Cordillera Energy

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted January 22, 2012

Apache will acquire Cordillera's thousands of acres in a shale play.

Pipeline Straight Talk

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted January 20, 2012

Here's some rare straight talk about the Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry oil from Alberta's tar sands to refineries and distribution hubs in Illinois, Oklahoma, and the Gulf Coast.

Politics Killed the Pipeline, Not the Profits

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted January 19, 2012

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains why Obama's rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline will have bigger consequences for us in the future.

TransCanada Looks for Options After Pipeline Rejection

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted January 19, 2012

After President Obama rejected the environmentally threatening Keystone XL, TransCanada is making other plans.

Oil and Gas Service Stocks

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted January 17, 2012

Energy and Capital's Keith Kohl offers investors a new way to find profits during North America's shale boom.

Pembina to Buy Provident

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted January 15, 2012

Pembina Pipeline will buy Provident Energy in a deal valued at $3.1 billion.

Safe, Secure Income in an Unsure Market

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted January 13, 2012

Editor Keith Kohl offers four high-yielding energy stocks for investors to take advantage of during an unstable market.

Uncertainty Abounds Over U.S. Oil Embargo On Iran

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted January 12, 2012

The EU has committed to a complete embargo on Iranian crude but has delayed its implementation due to fears the ban would consequently place undue, as well as untimely, strain on its citizens.

Invest in What You Know

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted January 12, 2012

If you don't understand it, don't invest in it. Nick Hodge explains how to stick to the stuff you know best.

Investors Can Find It All in the Bakken

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted January 11, 2012

There's a piece of Bakken profits for every type of investor.