Category: Oil Investing

Move Over Alaska, Here Comes the Bakken

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted June 13, 2012

Bakken oil production in North Dakota is on an upward trend, with no indication of slowing down.

America's Fracking Boomtowns

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted June 12, 2012

Thanks to advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (fracking), the United States is producing more barrels of oil per day than it has in a decade, bringing all the jobs and newfound...

Dark Saudi Secrets

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted June 8, 2012

Saudi Arabia’s energy consumption pattern is unsustainable. The country currently consumes over one-quarter of its total oil production – some 2.8 million barrels a day. This means that on a...

Russian Oil and Gas Investments

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted June 7, 2012

Russia's hopes to develop its vast shale resources may not turn out as expected...

Chesapeake Energy: Goodbye to Pipelines?

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted June 5, 2012

Chesapeake Energy must sell billions in assets to avoid a downgrade.

The Downside of a Williston Basin Boomtown

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted June 4, 2012

The oil rush in the Williston Basin has brought wealth to Williston, ND, as well as woes.

What the Saudis Aren't Telling Us

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted June 1, 2012

Editor Keith Kohl takes a minute to explain why we can't count on Saudi Arabia to solve the world's pending oil crisis.

Finding Long-Term Value in Natural Gas

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 30, 2012

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains why the upcoming transition to natural gas is one of the greatest investment opportunities in today's volatile market.

Cookin' With Gas

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted May 25, 2012

The biggest energy investment happenings this week centered on natural gas.

Investing in Fracturing Technology

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 24, 2012

Today I want to show investors one alternative to hydraulic fracturing that's about to steal the spotlight from the shale revolution.

Deepwater Oil Investing

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 22, 2012

Energy and Capital Editor Keith Kohl takes a look at the $175 million gamble these investors lost.

Two Down, One to Go

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 19, 2012

North Dakota has become the second-largest oil producing state. Editor Keith Kohl talks about some of the challenges the state faces along with its success.