Category: Oil Investing

Energy Policies at the Denver Debate

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 4, 2012

The debate heated up with the conflicting energy policies of the presidential candidates...

Japanese Shale Find

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 3, 2012

A Japanese petroleum company has struck oil at a shale deposit, and this find could facilitate an LNG export agreement with the U.S...

Brazilian Ban on Transocean's Drilling Lifted

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 2, 2012

Brazil has lifted a ban on Transocean (NYSE: RIG) drilling and eased one on Chevron (NYSE: CVX) after an oil spill halted drilling...

Africa's Latest Gusher

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted October 2, 2012

For the better part of the second half of last year, we spent a lot of time telling you about a unique oil situation. As is normally the case with our insights, the events we foretold are currently...

BP (LON: BP) Oil Spill Settlement Stalls

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 1, 2012

BP (LON: BP) is still stuck in settlement talks with the U.S. over the 2010 Gulf oil spill, and the company may owe as much as $21 billion...

Green Fracking

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted October 1, 2012

Chesapeake Energy (NYSE: CHK) is fighting fracking opposition with innovation: a fracking solution that is completely green...

Oil Imports Plummet

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted September 28, 2012

Domestic oil production is at a 15-year high. Foreign oil imports are down. What does it all mean?

Sudan, South Sudan Reach Oil Export Deal

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted September 27, 2012

After long negotiations and strained tensions, Sudan and South Sudan have reached a fragile agreement that will allow oil exports to resume...

GE (NYSE: GE) Technology Helps Save on Fuel Cost

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted September 25, 2012

Technology from a GE (NYSE: GE) subsidiary is helping UK businesses save on fuel costs...

India's Solution to an Oil Crisis

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted September 24, 2012

Keith Kohl sheds light on how India plans to avert an upcoming oil crisis.

Exxon (NYSE: XOM) Buys Bakken Stake

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted September 23, 2012

Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM) aims to increase slowing oil and gas production, and its Bakken purchase will help it achieve this...

Ethanol Crisis Worsens

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted September 23, 2012

Is ethanol more important than food?