Category: Oil Investing

MBS: Oil Prices “Unimaginably High” If Iran Isn't Stopped

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted September 29, 2019

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman went on 60 Minutes this weekend and warned that oil prices will soar unless global action is taken against Iran. Energy and Capital editor Luke...

How to Play the Oil Market for the Rest of 2019

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted September 22, 2019

Energy and Capital Luke Burgess reflects on the Saudi Arabia oil facility attack and how it's pretty clear the goal was to raise oil prices. Could something like this happen again? And how should...

Was the Saudi Oil Attack Planned to Boost Oil Prices?

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted September 19, 2019

There is no doubt OPEC has used its influence to control the price of oil in the past. Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess explores the possibility that the recent attack on Saudi oil facilities...

What We Really Learned from Saudi Arabia

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted September 17, 2019

We’ve heard it all by now. The drones, the bombs, and the 5.7 million barrels per day of Saudi production that was lost. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl peels back the latest Iranian attack...

Not Saudi's Pearl Harbor, It's Saudi's Taranto, Italy

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted September 16, 2019

Bloomberg is calling the attack on Saudi Aramco oil facilities the "Saudi Pearl Harbor." But Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer says it's much closer to Taranto, Italy, November 1940....

Oil Prices Soar After Major Saudi Facility Drone Attack

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted September 15, 2019

A crippling attack on Saudi Arabia's oil production has knocked out half of the country's total oil production — 5% of global supply. In response, oil prices screamed higher. Energy and Capital...

Oil’s Biggest Weakness Is Your Biggest Opportunity

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted September 10, 2019

Today, with investors and pundits alike fretting about recession fears, a no-brainer investment can be harder to find than you might think. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows investors where...

What the Hell Was OPEC Thinking?

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 27, 2019

The good days for OPEC are coming to an end very quickly. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a hard look at why OPEC as we know it is dissolving, and what comes next will surprise you.

The Permian Blowout Is Coming

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 20, 2019

Are we getting close to 'peak Permian?' It could be closer than investors realize. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows readers where to find the right oil stock in the prolific Permian Basin.

The Best Energy Explorer Does it Again

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted August 12, 2019

Back in the day, if a little-known international oil company hit a 100 million barrel mother lode, the stock would double on the news. Yesterday, Tullow Oil (LSE: TLW) did just that. Energy and...

The Trump Embargo!

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 6, 2019

Trump’s sanctions on Iran’s oil exports are making waves in the oil markets. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a closer look at why the investment herd is wrong about the direction oil...

The Great Saudi Oil Dilemma

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 30, 2019

Energy and Capital Keith Kohl uncovers one of the greatest fears coming true for Saudi Arabia, and reveals why Texas oil drillers are about to take full advantage of the situation.