Category: Oil Investing

OPEC Surrenders

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 14, 2012

After a century of dominance in the fossil fuel industry, traditionally mined crude oil has finally met its match...

Demonstration Planned for Keystone XL Pipeline

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 14, 2012

President Obama has promised a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline soon, and demonstrators are lining up to protest its approval this weekend...

U.S. to Pass Saudi Oil Production

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted November 13, 2012

We didn't need the IEA to tell us the U.S. would pass the Saudis to become the world's largest oil producer. The data has been saying this would be the case for more than half a decade. All you had...

IEA: U.S. to Pass Saudi Arabia in Oil Production

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted November 11, 2012

The IEA's 2012 World Energy Outlook claims that the U.S. could be nearly self-sufficient as early as 2035...

NuStar Energy LP (NYSE: NS) to Focus on Eagle Ford

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 11, 2012

NuStar Energy (NYSE: NS) is selling assets to facilitate its expansion into Texas' profitable Eagle Ford region...

Obama Oil Investing

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted November 11, 2012

Obama loves electric cars and Big Oil, too.

The Energy Industry Has Election Fever

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted November 10, 2012

For the next four years, the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives will stay the same... So, what will change?

Continental Resources (NYSE: CLR) to Buy Bakken Assets

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 8, 2012

After reporting a 90% plummet in third quarter profits, Continental Resources (NYSE: CLR) is hoping to turn things around with asset sales and a Bakken purchase...

Big Oil Could Benefit from Obama Win

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 8, 2012

Though Big Oil pulled for Mitt Romney in the presidential race, it could also benefit from Obama's second term...

2013: Demand for OPEC Oil to Decrease

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted November 8, 2012

Though overall oil demand will grow less than expected, demand for OPEC oil will fall as nations rely on their own reserves...

India's Gulf Oil to Buy Chemical and Lubricant Company

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 7, 2012

India's Gulf Oil is acquiring lubricant and chemical companies starting with the American Houghton International...

The Man Behind Texas Oil

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 7, 2012

For all of the media attention and recognition North Dakota gets in America's energy revival, Texas is America's largest oil-producing state by far...