After the development of strict regulations and environmental protocols, Australia's Queensland has given the green light for shale oil development...
As drillers start to reach below the Marcellus and into the Utica shale deposit, companies are increasing their interest...
In this country, coal and natural gas are more expensive than wind energy. But it may not be where you expect.
OPEC forecasts global oil demand will average 89.7 million barrels per day this year. But the world still can't produce that much oil...
Keith Kohl explains why there's a crisis brewing for OPEC members... and why investors will be able to capitalize on their surging demand.
As the worst U.S. drought in 50 years continues, the government wants to increase ethanol production.
Total SA (NYSE: TOT) is just one of the many oil majors interested in Tanzania's oil and gas deposits...
While the Midwest was benefiting from cheap Bakken crude, the East Coast has been left out. But new infrastructure developments will change that...
The world is awaiting the next shale boom. But while focus remains on European and Asian nations, another country may be preparing for a boom...
Keith Kohl explains how much life is left in the Bakken play, showing investors why the North Dakota oil boom still has room for growth...
BP (LON: BP), once the biggest oil producer, has fallen from the top spot as production slowdowns and Deepwater Horizon trials continue...
President Obama is not going to burden domestic fracking operations, but he will try to save his environmental legacy. Could the White House be preparing to halt Arctic oil exploration?