Category: Oil Investing

Discovered: 17 Bakkens Stacked On Top of One Another

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted March 13, 2013

Thanks to the revolution in hydraulic fracturing, the Permian Basin is expected to regain its stature in the global oil market. It is set to become the king. Brian Hicks explains...

Iraq Oil Fields Up for Grabs

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted March 13, 2013

The Iraqi Oil Ministry has selected seven foreign oil companies that will be allowed to bid on the Nasiriyah oil field...

Venezuela Oil Crisis

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted March 13, 2013

In the aftermath of Chavez's death, it is unclear what's to become of Venezuela's suffering oil industry...

Why Saudi Arabia Can't Produce Its Own Shale Gas

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted March 13, 2013

Saudi Arabia is the world's largest oil producer and has massive conventional gas reserves, but it may not be able to tap its even larger shale gas reserves...

Is This the Next Bakken?

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted March 13, 2013

Ohio's Utica Shale offers a lot of untapped shale oil and gas, and revised maps show it could extend further west than previously thought...

Clean Coal is Dead

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted March 12, 2013

Despite investors jumping ship, the government continues to fund the FutureGen clean coal scam. But we still have nothing to show for it.

Exxon (NYSE: XOM) Scores Major Gas Find in Malaysia

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted March 12, 2013

ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM) is working with Malaysian company Petronas to extract gas from the offshore Telok field...

Why Goldman Sachs is Bullish on Oil and Copper

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted March 12, 2013

Goldman Sachs expects oil and copper to be good plays in the short term, and it puts a focus on China...

Talisman (NYSE: TLM) Unloading Shale Assets

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted March 12, 2013

Talisman Energy (NYSE: TLM) is looking to sell acreage worth an estimated $1.5 billion in the Montney Shale in an effort to cut costs and boost sales...

OPEC's Crisis of Confidence

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 11, 2013

Keith Kohl prepares to reveal a new drilling technology that is about to take the U.S. shale boom to record heights.

Myanmar Oil Discovery Could Be Huge

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted March 11, 2013

Myanmar is finally opening its shale oil and gas blocks to foreign investment, and the nation also has a pipeline planned...

Exxon (NYSE: XOM) Bullish on Diesel

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted March 11, 2013

Exxon's (NYSE: XOM) "Outlook to 2040" expects diesel to be a dominant fuel in the transportation sector as renewables and natural gas combat gasoline...