Category: Natural Gas

Take a Lesson from Texas

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted June 5, 2012

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a hard look at how fracking protesters are focusing on the wrong problem.

The Downside of a Williston Basin Boomtown

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted June 4, 2012

The oil rush in the Williston Basin has brought wealth to Williston, ND, as well as woes.

Natural Gas Vehicle Opportunities

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted June 3, 2012

Are natural gas-powered cars going to put electric cars out of business?

Finding Long-Term Value in Natural Gas

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 30, 2012

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains why the upcoming transition to natural gas is one of the greatest investment opportunities in today's volatile market.

A Golden Ticket in the Golden Age of Gas

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 28, 2012

Why breaking the IEA's golden rule to natural gas could fuel profits for these investors...

Cookin' With Gas

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted May 25, 2012

The biggest energy investment happenings this week centered on natural gas.

Solving Fracking's Water Issue

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted May 23, 2012

The EPA has evaluated homeowner water wells near fracking operations and determined that no chemical or pollutant occurred in a quantity worthy of further regulation or action. But if that's not...

Marcellus Boom Brings Rock Bands, Directors

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted May 17, 2012

There are about 5,000 wells on top of the Marcellus Formation in that part of Pennsylvania. Nearly 2,500 new ones are being added each year, with some estimates saying there will be more than...

Presidential Gas Investments

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 16, 2012

How investors can take advantage of the presidential control over U.S. natural gas supplies.

Go Government!

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted May 12, 2012

Your government is ineffective. But you knew that. As always, my advice remains the same: Be observant enough to recognize the idiocy and hypocrisy that's fed to us every day in the form of 'news.'

Obama's Favorite Gas Stocks

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 10, 2012

Obama's latest push towards natural gas offers new ways to invest.

Fracking Water Market

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted May 9, 2012

Each fracked well can require as much as 22,000 cubic meters of water. That equates to 140,000 barrels, or 5.88 million gallons. All of it needs to be treated... and companies are already popping up...