Mexico may be struggling with its own energy sources, but it is set to benefit from the U.S. oil and gas revival...
The Utica's most recent report from the Ohio Department of Natural Resource was disappointing. But here's why you should still keep it on your radar...
Natural gas prices have found a floor and are putting in higher highs and higher lows. This is the definition of a bull market.
With the World Bank putting the kibosh on funding for coal, natural gas gets another boost.
Why investors are getting rich in the Marcellus Shale.
A small Louisiana company has grabbed the attention of major shale players with its turbine hydraulic fracturing pumps...
Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM) sees such potential in the Ukraine's offshore gas reserves that it's investing $735 million in just two deep-water wells...
Earthquakes have triggered the next big investment opportunity in shale gas production.
Automotive consulting firm The Carlab has discovered the secret to eliminating the setbacks of natural gas vehicles...
China wants to replace coal with shale gas.
With U.K. shale potential now double previous estimates, Cuadrilla and Centrica (LSE: CNA) are doubling down their efforts to tap the resources...
Mexico is taking advantage of low-cost natural gas from the U.S. by fueling a manufacturing revolution...