Category: Future of Energy

“The Mouse” Could Go Nuclear Tomorrow

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted June 26, 2022

A nuclear reactor at Disney World only sounds far-fetched until it isn't. If the top minds at Disney calculated that it was the best and cheapest option for power, analyst Luke Sweeney firmly...

Rackets, Prostitutes, and ESG

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 23, 2022

Right now, so-called elites are having their annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland to discuss the global economy, make deals, and promote their climate change agenda.

The “Fallout” From Three Mile Island Is Still Spreading

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted May 8, 2022

America’s worst nuclear accident on record occurred on March 28, 1979. It birthed the long-standing public fear of nuclear energy that still lingers today.

Out of the Pandemic and Into Innovation (Future Giants Inside)

Written by Sean McCloskey
Posted April 28, 2022

In 1665, an outbreak of the bubonic plague in England forced the University of Cambridge into lockdown, where Sir Isaac Newton made his most important discovery ever.

The Future of Energy Is Here

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 22, 2022

While the rest of the world is focused on the war in Ukraine and surging oil prices, few have realized that lithium prices have doubled in three months...

Buy Dips for Big Oil Win

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted March 21, 2022

If you don’t spend money to find new oil, you will eventually run out. Right now, all six of the big oil companies are running out of crude and fast.

Boost Your Oil Profits

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted March 7, 2022

Oil sector capex has been falling for 13 years; looking for oil and replacing reserves just haven't been priorities. This gives us a chance to make money.

How Renewable Energy Protects Our Energy Infrastructure

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted March 2, 2022

Remember last year when Texas' subpar electricity infrastructure collapsed? Imagine that on a national scale. We've never been more vulnerable than we are now...

Vlad vs. the World

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted February 27, 2022

Putin is shooting himself and his entire country in the foot — and, in the process, losing what little international support he might have had left.

Future Fusion Forthcoming

Written by Zak Rosen
Posted February 19, 2022

Small modular reactors are the next big advancement in fission — but what about fusion? Recent advancements in nuclear fusion fuel hope for the future of energy.

You’ve Been Sleeping on This Investment for Years — It’s Time to Wake Up

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted February 1, 2022

Keith Kohl reveals which energy source could dominate investor profits in 2022. And right now, the United States holds roughly 473 trillion cubic feet of it...

Obama-Era Chairman Is Green Energy’s Biggest Threat

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted January 30, 2022

Wolves in sheep’s clothing are currently hard at work undermining the world’s clean energy efforts. Right now, a former leader of the wolf pack is rearing his head into the news cycle...