Dear Reader,
You know things are getting bad in China when Chinese manufacturing companies start getting bought up by Canadian tech firms.
This is exactly what happened last week, when a Toronto-based electronic component designer closed a deal to acquire a manufacturing company based in the southeastern coastal city of Xiamen.
With this transaction, control over the production of a very special new kind of electronic component traded hands, becoming the sole property of the Toronto tech company.
And it gets better.
The point of the deal wasn’t just to consolidate resources and bring manufacturing fully in-house.
Is China's Tech Empire Showing Cracks?
It was to move production of these components away from China, which is precisely what controlling the newly acquired assets gives the Canadian company power to do.
And it gets even better… At the heart of this deal isn't just some run of the mill electronic part.
The components in question are potentially world-changing, and quite possibly the single most important kind of electronic device in development today.
Known in the industry as the ‘optical interposer’, these devices will go down in history as the next in line after the micro-processor in terms of magnitude of impact.
In the next few years, they will replace traditional copper electronic interconnectors — the things which facilitate the movement of data from machine to machine.
Optical interposers use light instead of electrical impulses, thus radically increasing the speed at which data can be transferred, while decreasing energy requirements and background heat. Our analysts have traveled the world over, dedicated to finding the best and most profitable investments in the global energy markets. All you have to do to join our Energy and Capital investment community is sign up for the daily newsletter below.The Best Free Investment You’ll Ever Make
It Could Save Zuckerberg, Gates and Bezos Trillions
The result, when applied en masse in datacenters, is an up to an 8x increase in data flow without any increase in energy expenditure.
For the biggest tech companies in the world, multi-trillion dollar giants like Meta, Alphabet, Apple and Amazon, which are planning to spend hundreds of billions, collectively, on the next generation of mega-data centers, these optical interposers can make the difference between success and demise.
I couldn’t put it any more plainly than that.
With data management demands set to rise 10-fold by the end of the decade, the world is faced with a looming crisis — a crisis which these interposers can solve before it becomes dangerous.
Which is why it’s not a matter of choice for today’s tech empires. It’s do or die, and there’s nothing in between.
That’s why this Toronto-based component design firm is sitting at perhaps the most enviable position, ever, for a small-cap company.
Most Overlooked Story Of 2025
To be needed, desperately, by the wealthiest group of customers in the known universe is hard to beat. And now that there is even less competition to contend with, this company might be the most explosive opportunity out there in the retail stock market.
I recently profiled this company to my premium subscribers before news came out about the acquisition.
The news of course sent the stock up, close to 20% in just a few trading sessions, but it did something else which may be even more important.
It started putting this company, which until then was trading quietly as a relatively unknown small cap, under the scrutiny of analysts.
The result is that this story is now being told more and more… With more and more investors awakening to the potential here.
Without These Devices… Global Data Comes To A Screeching Halt
It’s not even a potential, really, as the outcome is all but certain at this point.
In the next few years, barring calamity of some sort, we will see 10x growth for this company as its innovative device, the optical interposer, takes its place in line after the transistor, the integrated circuit, and the microprocessor.
There is, of course, much more to this story.
If you want to see what my premium subscribers saw, with the full profile of the company, the technology, and the economic forecasts, you can do that by clicking right here.
Just remember, by the time you read about this in the Wall Street Journal, you’ll have missed your chance.
Fortune favors the bold,
Alex Koyfman
His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.